Christian Lindner: FDP chief accuses critics of hysteria

The FDP chairman Christian Lindner fights against the accusation of racism. He had been told by alleged stranger fear at the baker and showed understanding.

Christian Lindner: FDP chief accuses critics of hysteria

FDP leader Christian Lindnerhat rejected criticism of his remarks about foreign fear. Whoever wants to read DarinRassismus or right-wing populism is "something Hysterischunterwegs", said Lindnerin a video. Such debates must be more sober and sensible. It is a real situation that a migrant has described to him.

What I wanted to say with Bäcker anecdote: Here I explain it again. CL bpt18

— Christian Lindner (@c_lindner) May 13, 2018

On Saturday at FDP Federal party congress, Lindner had said that people who were standing in line with Baker would have to have certainty "that everyone who is staying with us is sichauch legally with us". He demanded: "People must be sure, even if someone looks different and only speaks broken German, that re is no doubt about his righteousness." This is a task Einerliberalen, rule of law immigration policy. "The Refugee and immigration policy Spaltetunsere Society," said Lindner.

AI developer or tolerated foreigner?

The FDP-Vorsitzendeschilderte at party congress an observation which he later attributed to a friend: re is one at baker "with broken German sandwiches" and people in queue do not know "wher Derhoch qualified developer Artificial intelligence from India is, or in fact, a geduldeterAusländer that is illegal in us. " This uncertainty can trigger anxiety.

In social networks arose a Rassismusdebatte about Lindner's statements, users criticized FDP chief. For a FDP member, Lindner's narrative was even reason enough to leave party. "I just got out of FDPausgetreten," announced Chris Pyak via Twitter. "In his speech, Christian Lindner delivered his pretext to all Nazis to harass dark-skinned people."

Date Of Update: 14 May 2018, 12:02