Israel: it Burns again

Trump has severely exacerbated the crisis in the Middle East with his single-handed approach to the Jerusalem issue. How brutal will the Arab states react to the plan?

Israel: it Burns again
  • Page 1 — it burns again
  • Page 2 — Jordanian king is in distress
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    In Arab capitals, American Undisraelische flags are now being burned in public places, accompanied by Wutgeschrei such as "Death to Americans" and "VernichtetIsrael". Also on Friday, in sermons of many mosques, re will probably be a particular topic: TrumpsAnerkennung of Jerusalem as capital of Israel. Even those arabischenStaaten, in which contents of Friday sermons are censored, are unlikely to be able to prevent imminent hatred – such as demand for liberation of St. Jerusalem from hands of Israeli crew.

    It is clear, refore, that US president has severely exacerbated crisis in Middle East with his decision. To holiest prayer of week, many RadikalerPrediger will try to incite faithful with hate messages against "Zionist enemy" from Israel and US. And it is to be feared that se messages will fall on FruchtbarenBoden at many mosque visitors. For hardly any or city in Islamic world is in a position to whip up people's minds in such a way as this important place for three Monoistischen religions: Jerusalem.

    Sarah Abel

    Jörg Crossbower, 70, was from 1999 to 2005 and from 2010 to 2013 correspondent of ARD in Cairo for Middle East. He started 1974 at WDR as a radio journalist and switched to television in 1982. Since spring 2013 he writes as a freelance journalist about Arab world.

    No or city is so charged with religion and history, with hope and despair, with strife and reconciliation, with Kriegund occasionally also peace. For Jews she is with wailing Wall of one of her holiest places, for Christians city, in DerJesu died and drove to heaven. Muslims sprechenvon city as Saints, as Al Quds, from Temple Mount as Al Haram AlSharif, Noble Sanctuary.

    None of three religions can renounce Jerusalem

    From DenFelsen this mountain, Prophet Mohammed was to be driven to heaven on his horse in order to meet prophets of Old Testament – JenePropheten, which are also important for devout Jews. Since early Islamic times, this rock has been surrounded by often restored dome, Dessenvergoldete Dome shines well in sunshine.

    It is dilemma of Jerusalem: None of MonoistischenReligionen wants and can renounce ir holy places.

    Therefore, for people of Derarabischen world, Israeli soldiers in East Jerusalem or entrance control to Temple Mount is difficult to bear. Last year, InstallierteÜberwachungskameras had already been sufficient by Israeli army to trigger severe riots among Palästinensernund sharp protests throughout Arab world.

    "Reckless, foolish"

    But not only from religious Gründengehört Jerusalem to most politically sensitive – and thus most dangerous – places in Arab world. Israeli soldiers InOstjerusalem finally remind Arab people of Ihreschwerste defeat: 40 years ago, small country ImSechstagekrieg east of Jerusalem and expelled Jordanian army behind Jordan. 13 later annexed Israel entire city and declared Jerusalem "Ewigenund indivisible capital". By last Wednesday, neir a single Staatnoch United Nations had acknowledged this annexation.

    Then came Donald Trump.

    Ruthless, foolish, and JeglicheFriedensbemühungen destructive, ArabischenStaaten assesses American president's decision Sicherlichauch frustrated that he ignored all heads of Government's warnings of escalation. One of United States ' closest allies in Derarabischen world, Jordan's King Abdullah II, had travelled sogareigens to Washington last week to discuss Donald Trump's plan.

    With recognition of Jerusalem as capital, American Präsidentdie has demonstrated power and ininfluence of Jordanian king in public – with uncertain domestic consequences: In its desert state with only ten million inhabitants Has a scarce third of Palestinian roots, so gutwie all of m are refugees. They fled eir 1948 from Land of Israel or 1967 from West Bank. Many of m still live in vonUNO organizations.

    Date Of Update: 08 December 2017, 12:02