Italy: Berlusconi considers withdrawal of government participation

Italy might still be able to get a government: Berlusconi's renunciation of government involvement could allow a coalition to be formed.

Italy: Berlusconi considers withdrawal of government participation

DieForza Italia by former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi may want to renounce a government participation in Italy. This is reported by DieNachrichtenagentur Reuters, citing party circles. Although Nochkeine decision has been made, Berlusconi is thinking about it according to a leading party member. Should Forza Italianicht participate in government, path would be free for eineKoalition of Berlusconi's Allied league with five-Star Movement.

Erstam previous day, President SergioMattarella explained long-term government formation fürgescheitert. Lastly, representatives of RechtsextremenLega Berlusconi's Forza Italia demanded to renounce a government participation to an alliance between Lega and five-star Bewegungzuermöglichen. Berlusconiwollte not respond to se demands at first.

From parliamentary elections on 4 March five-star Bewegungals strongest single party emerged, while currently Regierendesozialdemokratische Partito Democratico Severe losses Hinnehmenmusste. The alliance of Lega and Forza Italia wurdestärkste power in parliament. The leader of populist five-Star Movement, Luigi Di Maio, had offered Lega a coalition, rejecting abereine cooperation with Berlusconi and Forza Italia.

Date Of Update: 09 May 2018, 12:03