Mohammed bin Salman: Another country, no better

Saudi Arabia's Crown prince, Salman, gives women more freedom and recognizes Israel's right to exist. But they are not mistaken: the government remains authoritarian.

Mohammed bin Salman: Another country, no better

The Saudi Arabian crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has succeeded Einkometenhafter ascent since 2015. Within almost three years, all competitors got rid of each or and made aufsehenerregendenInitiativen of mselves again and again. Lastly, he surprised world public, Alser in an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg in Atlantic, acknowledging Israel's right to exist.

The pace of change is all more breathtaking, AlsSaudi Arabia was ruled by a group of senior princes until 2015, Diezu old and too ill to keep pace with growing challenges for DiePolitik of kingdom. This has changed since BinSalman has prevailed as a new strong man in Riyadh. Some of his steps Erscheinenzwar unconsidered, but his policy is clearly erkennbarenLinien in whole:

The conflict with Iran

In Arab world, strong man in Riyadh claims a leading role for Saudi Arabia. This is nothing new in principle, because since 1970s Saudi Arabienaufgrund has been mächtigstenarabischen state of its oil wealth and decline of Egypt Become.

The fact that rise of kingdom was still yet again was due to its military weakness, to anderenaber in decision-making processes in Riyadh. Again and again, a consensus had to be found between leading princes, who often needed weeks and months to adopt concrete steps. Mohammed bin Salman, however, has since 2015 received far-reaching powers from his far, King Salman, so that he can act as a single ruler.

The fact that Riad has recently been quickly decided and traded is demonstrated by Alleman's policy towards Iran. It is Salman's aim to stop Iranian Expansionim Middle East and n to atone for lost ground. Benefiting from Saudi Arabian view main front in this conflict is Yemen, where Iran has its support for Huthi forces rebels for years intensiviertund kingdom and United Arab Emirates (UAE) since March 2015einen war lead to toppled Government of President Hadi again to bring Andie power.

The Saudi Arabian leadership hopes for help of DerTrump administration, which is also setting a confrontation course towards Iran. In this context is also utterance of Mohammed bin Salmans ZumExistenzrecht of Israel, which shows that he wants to mobilize every helper for fight against Tehran.

Economic reforms

The Crown prince, however, wants to be seen not only as a warlord, but above all AlsWirtschaftsreformer, who fitmacht his country for 21st century. If Saudi Arabia really wants to play a leading role and oppose Iran Wirkungsvoll, reforms are urgently needed. Saudi Arabia continues to depend heavily on oil exports, with which kingdom generates around 90 percent seinerEinnahmen. Low and fluctuating prices have shown in LetztenJahren how fragile Saudi Arabian economy is as a result of DieserAbhängigkeit.

That is why Mohammed bin Salman in Juni2016 announced a reform program that he baptized "Vision 2030". The goal is primarily redevelopment private sector, which generates new revenue and GleichzeitigArbeitsplätze for rapidly growing Saudi Arabian population schaffensoll. The core of programme is a partial privatisation of StaatlichenÖlkonzerns Aramco, of which a share of five percent is to be sold. Dererwartete proceeds of more than 100 billion dollars are to flow into einenInvestitionsfonds, which invests about half of foreign countries to generate repayments, while or half is in industrial conversion of country and promotion of private sector would flow.

DasDesign of plan shows how strongly Mohammed bin Salman is oriented towards model DerVAE, because se have used ir oil revenues to set up world's largest sovereign wealth fund, thus creating basis for success of AbuDhabi and Dubai.

A new authoritarianism

The Emirates also serve as a model for Mohammed bin Salman's domestic policy. This is demonstrated, for example, by his hostility to Muslim Brorhood, which is hateful to rulers in Abu Dhabi and Dubaibesonders. Preachers and intellectuals from context of movement in Saudi Arabia have been arrested in recent months; The relationship with Qatar and ZurTürkei, great sponsors of Muslim Brorhood in region, has worsened since 2015dramatisch. Criticism of se and or measures is no longer tolerated. This is a dramatic change for Saudi Arabia. Because before Salman, it was quite possible for many Saudis to criticize government's policy as long as two taboos Beachtetwurden: role of religion and that of Saud family.

DieBegeisterung of western public about more rights and freedoms FürFrauen deceives The fact that Saudi Arabia becomes more authoritarian in anor place, thus repressing situation in VAEannähert, where any dissent with some draconian penalties is suppressed Is. The reforms of Crown prince Change only character of Saudi ArabischenAutoritarismus without eliminating it. Many women in country benefit, Muslimbrüderund or dissidents pay price. The Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salmans becomes anor country, Vorerstjedoch no better.

Date Of Update: 08 April 2018, 12:02