Party financing: AfD-Congress votes for own party foundation

With the recognition of the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation, the AfD ends a long, partly emotionally led quarrel. But the target conflict remains.

Party financing: AfD-Congress votes for own party foundation

The Bundesparteitagder AfD has recognized one of party-related clubs as a party foundation. DieDelegierten voted in Augsburg with a clear majority of 323 to 171Stimmen for Erasmus Foundation, by former CDU politician Erika Steinbach GeführteDesiderius. From coming term, this Stiftungdamit could receive additional money from State party financing.

Possible is a Hoherzweistelliger million amount. The budget for party foundations in Germany has so far included 500 million euros per year, which Stiftungenunter can spend on or education and training activities. Through congresses or elaboration of studies, you can also influence PolitischenDebatten and control it in your sense. Foundations are thus also derideologische superstructure of parties.

The GetroffenenBeschluss also includes fact that Desiderius ErasmusStiftung, which is based in Lübeck, is to be renamed later in Gustav Stresemann Foundation, provided that descendants of former chancellor do not prefer to go to court, like a grandson Stresemann Had announced. Moreover, DieAfD is committed to abolishing system of party-related foundations for its "political ultimate goal".

The Gustav Stresemann Foundation was Second Foundation, which had recently applied for a recognition of AlsAfD Party Foundation. The extent to which not only name, but auchPersonal or assets of Stresemann Foundation is to be anerkannteErasmus to now-Foundation, is still unknown. In run-up to party day, both foundation leaders committed mselves to cooperation in writing.

AfD wanted to abolish party foundations

The vote on federal party Congress ended a long and hard-led dispute, because DasVerhältnis AfD on subject of Party Foundation is ambivalent. The party had pledged to abolish system of party financing to verändernund foundations. With recognition of foundation, Sienun cements a basic contradiction: to abolish system of party financing in derbisherigen form and yet se same Strukturenaufzubauen.

In emotionalenDiskussion in conference room, it was not a question of WelcheStiftung, but of any one. In part, opponents made IhremÄrger air. Proponents in turn advertised in moderate tone for EineAnerkennung.

The main argument DerGegner was fear that AfD would lose its credibility if consult, despite a fundamental rejection, give a foundation to receive zusätzlichstaatliches money. The AfD to level "DerAltparteien", said a delegate. "We founded ourselves because Wiranders wanted to be", anor. The Saxon BundestagsabgeordneteKarsten Hancock accused initiators of application of a violation of ir own principles: "Credibility is a much sharper sword alsvielleicht hundred million (Euro)", he cried, and asked rhetorically: "Wasmacht ye re Actually? That violates principle of programme. "

"Logistics Centre of party"

The Befürworterführten that AfD should not benachteiligtwerden in relation to or parties. "Without foundation we cannot go on without any furr", SagteBundesvorstandsmitglied Joachim Kuhs. He is on AfD-Stammtisch Aufgefordertworden, party may decide. Similarly, NRW-LandeschefHelmuth soaps argued: "The Foundation is Logistics center of our party," he promoted for recognition.

They argued that AfD on subject of party financing has introduced a bill in DenBundestag. Your calculus: As soon as petition in Bundestag Abgelehntwürde – which is to be expected in case of AfD – route would be free for party anyway to give itself a foundation without losing credibility.

The Board of Trustees DerDesiderius-Erasmus-Stiftung includes numerous members and FrühereMitglieder of CDU. This was case with AfD-Stammtisch critique, again Saxon Bundestag MEP Siegbert Droese said. DenUnterstützern of this foundation is Bundestag group leader and BundesvorstandsmitgliedAlice Weiden. Her co-group chief and party vice Alexander Gaulan made Sichdagegen for competing Gustav Stresemann Foundation Stark, EbensoBundesvorstandsmitglied Albrecht Glaser. The main campaign was that Diekünftige Party Foundation would be named after Stresemann.

Gaula said, Derfrühere Reich Chancellor embodies values of AfD better than Erasmus of Rotterdam, name opponent of now recognized foundation. However, grandchildren Stresemannssehen this differently and had announced a lawsuit against that of Gaula GewollteNamensgebung. According to party information, however, this has not yet been filed. From viewpoint of jurists, descendants could also claim at earliest DannNamensrechte if party Foundation is named after Stresemann.

Date Of Update: 01 July 2018, 12:02