The left: Wagon-servant and Bartsch remain Bundestag group chiefs

The left has settled the power struggle between faction leadership and party leaders for the time being. Sahra Wagon-servant and Dietmar Bartsch keep their offices after a compromise.

The left: Wagon-servant and Bartsch remain Bundestag group chiefs

The Left faction of Bundestag has once again elected two group chairmen of Sahra UndDietmar Bartsch to ir head. At DerFraktionsklausur in Potsdam, 80 percent of participants FürBartsch and a good 75 percent for wagon-servants, shared a faction spokesman.

The election was preceded by EinMachtkampf with party chiefs Katja Tipping and Bernd Riexinger. Both wanted to receive a first speech right in Bundestag plenum and to imFraktionsvorstand or than bishermit own voting rights. The wagon-keeper had n accused m of wanting to curtail influence of group chairmen. By letter to deputies she threatened with her withdrawal, she and Bartsch requests were made.

The party undFraktionschefs had n moved to a separate room to discuss a compromise proposal. The UmstrittenenAnträge, which would have given party chairmen tipping and Riexinger much more influence in Bundestag group, only partially came through.

In event of a conflict, group leaders continue to have right to speak first for left in Bundestag debates. According to new decision, however, party chairmen can now act as second speakers. To date, this right has been subject to specialist politicians. An application that should give party chiefs a voting right ImFraktionsvorstand has been withdrawn.

Date Of Update: 18 October 2017, 12:02