The Government approves the retroactive increase of 1.5% in the salaries of public employees this year

The salaries of civil servants will rise this year by 3.

The Government approves the retroactive increase of 1.5% in the salaries of public employees this year

The salaries of civil servants will rise this year by 3.5%


The Council of Ministers has approved this Tuesday the additional increase of 1.5% for public employees this year, as the Government promised a few weeks ago in the agreement with CCOO and UGT in the General Table of Negotiation of the Public Function.

This increase is added to the 2% increase in public remuneration that came into force on January 1 of this year, as the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration has recalled in a statement.

The Treasury highlights that this additional rise of 1.5% across the board "has an exceptional character", since it is the first time it has occurred. The increase will be applied to the payroll of public workers of all administrations, including the autonomous communities and local entities.

The consolidation of the increase in 2022 means that it will be applied to the remuneration in force on December 31, 2021 and, therefore, will be applied retroactively. In total, the salary of public employees will have increased by 3.5% by 2022.

The increase will be reflected in the payroll from November, and the corresponding increase from January to October will be paid as arrears. The retroactive nature of the measure requires that it be carried out in this way, since the initial increase of 2% included in the General State Budget (PGE) 2022 has been in force since January 1.

The norm establishes specific rules so that the autonomous communities and local entities can materialize the payment. In the case of local entities, the necessary budgetary actions are contemplated to be able to apply the remuneration increase, such as the incorporation of the salary increase to the credits of the expense budgets for the next financial year.

The agreement reached a few weeks ago between the Treasury, CCOO and UGT contemplates a fixed salary improvement of 8% between 2022 and 2024, with the possibility of reaching 9.5%, depending on different variables.

The parties also agreed that in 2023 public remuneration will rise by 2.5% and may be increased by up to one additional point depending on variables linked to the CPI and nominal GDP. Civil servants will receive 0.5% more if the sum of the Harmonized CPI for 2022 and the forward Harmonized CPI for September 2023 exceeds 6%.

The other variable, also 0.5%, will be applied if the nominal GDP equals or exceeds that estimated in the macroeconomic table that accompanies the 2023 PGE.

In 2024, public salaries will rise another 2%, with an additional 0.5% depending on the change in the harmonized CPI.

The Government specifies that the revaluation can be 9.8% if calculations are made in real terms. The reason is that the salary increase for each year is consolidated, so the increase for each year is made on the salary increased from the previous year, explains the Treasury in its statement.

The salary improvement will benefit 2,717,570 employees in the service of the Public Administrations, according to data from the Statistical Bulletin of the Personnel in the Service of the Public Administrations.