Study shows that Would be assured to all citizens by law, contributions decline

If all the citizens would be insured by law, could decrease the contributions according to a study, noticeably. To refer the financially powerful private insure

Study shows that Would be assured to all citizens by law, contributions decline

If all the citizens would be insured by law, could decrease the contributions according to a study, noticeably. To refer the financially powerful private insured in the statutory health insurance (GKV), can save any currently in the GKV insured member and his employer together an average of 145 euros per year. This was the result of a on Monday published a representative study of the Berlin-based Iges Institute on behalf of the Bertelsmann Foundation.

According to the investigation, earn privately insured, and, consequently, high earners, civil servants, high-income self-employed - an average of at least 56 percent more than the legally Insured. They are also tend to be healthier. You would be in the Shi, it could be expected a year, with a net financial surplus of 8.7 to 10.6 billion euros, calculated in the study. The contribution rate would be 0.6 to 0.7 percentage points lower.

officials from the Federal says abolition would be "nonsense"

In Europe, bar only Germany has a dual System. "Only if all of the Insured get together, irrespective of income, the risks between the Healthy and the sick balance, can create a viable community of solidarity", - said Chairman of the Foundation, Brigitte Mohn, according to communication in Gütersloh. The splitting of the weakness of the social cohesion. Health insurance-benefits at a Glance (indicator) Now in the free health insurance comparison to find the best conditions!

The civil servants Union dbb contradicted. The demand for the abolition of the dual system was "nonsense," said dbb-chief Ulrich Silberbach. "Our health care is one of the best in the world."

private patients pay 2.5 Times as much for same performance

The Iges study is based on the latest data (2016) from an annually conducted panel survey of approximately 12,000 households. 2016 - as currently - around-insured 8.8 million people private. The GKV counted in 2016, approximately 70.4 million Insured, currently it is the in-migration due to the well-73.2 million, said Foundation-health expert Stefan Etgeton.

The remuneration of Doctors from the case of in the case of services for private patients is approximately 2.5 times higher. It is from the same Doctors, the fee losses, which would cause a PKV-elimination, calculated in the Simulation with a 0.2 to 0.3 percentage points lower rate of contribution.

dbb: the dual System is criticized "living in solidarity"

Etgeton: "The average Shi-Insured person pays each year more than necessary, so that high earners, civil servants and the self-employed is the solids out of the same can escape." Quite the opposite of the Dar chief stressed that the dual health system was "living in solidarity", all benefited from the sales of the PKV-Insured.

The Shi was completed last year for the first time in 2015, with a loss of around one billion euros. The contributions are shared between the employer and the employee each pay half.


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Date Of Update: 17 February 2020, 12:00