Netherlands: Adult is automatically registered as an organ donor

In the future, Dutch will be recognised as an organ donor from the age of majority – as long as there is no contradiction. The government wants to eliminate the lack of donor organs.

Netherlands: Adult is automatically registered as an organ donor

In Nerlands a new law is to increase number of organ donations. In future, each adult person will be automatically recognised as a donor – unless it explicitly contradicts it. So far, Dutch citizens, as in Germany, had to be actively registered if y wanted to donate organs for transplantation after ir death.

The amendment to law was adopted by a narrow majority of two votes. The second Chamber of Parliament had already agreed to 2016 with a similar narrow majority. When change in law comes into force, government decides in The Hague.

The Nerlands wants to counteract lack of donor organs. You are already 18th European country that introduces so-called opposition solution to organ donation. So far re were only 15 donors to one million inhabitants, Germany is among last places with 9.3 donors in European comparison. Spain is country with highest rate in world – re were about 40 donors to one million inhabitants.

An opposition solution was also repeatedly discussed in Germany. Last year, number of organ donations in Federal Republic fell to a low. Nationwide re were 797 organ donations, 60 less than year before.

Date Of Update: 14 February 2018, 12:03