RELEASE: Max Elmann Arazi: The importance of investing in the integration of metropolitan areas

Entrepreneur Max Elmann Arazi comments on the remains of infrastructure faced by various metropolitan areas around the world.

RELEASE: Max Elmann Arazi: The importance of investing in the integration of metropolitan areas

Entrepreneur Max Elmann Arazi comments on the remains of infrastructure faced by various metropolitan areas around the world

Madrid, June 28, 2023.- Metropolitan areas around the world face challenges. New York and New Jersey, Madrid, Mexico City and its surroundings. New York is now considering putting an additional charge on visitors from New Jersey. A recent example is CDMX and the State of Mexico, two closely linked entities that make up one of the largest and most populous metropolitan areas in the world. The effective integration of these two regions is essential for the economic, social and cultural development of the area. The growth of logistics centers is a constant in this area of ​​the country. The improvement of the main access roads, such as Ave. Constituyentes, Insurgentes and Ignacio Zaragoza, plays a crucial role in this integration process.

One of the biggest challenges is transportation. The two areas are connected by several roads, which require constant improvement. The level of goods that move is relevant. In this regard, we talked with the businessman Max Elmann Arazi.

"There are several ways to increase integration between CDMX and the State of Mexico. One way is to improve transportation infrastructure between the two areas. This could involve building new highways, expanding existing highways, and improving transportation public," said the executive.

"It is necessary to improve the infrastructure between CDMX and the State of Mexico. This could imply the construction of new schools, hospitals and other public facilities. Avenida Constituyentes is one of the main roads that connects CDMX with the State of Mexico. The The number of cars circulating on Ave Constituyentes on weekdays varies depending on the time of day, however, it is estimated that an average of 150,000 cars circulate on this road daily, with the highest volume of traffic typically seen during morning rush hours. and in the afternoon, when the number of cars can reach 200,000. Its expansion and modernization are essential to streamline vehicle flow and improve the connection between both territories. In addition, this avenue has a direct impact on tourism, since many visitors use this route to access places of cultural and tourist interest in both entities", emphasized the executive.

"Likewise, Calz. Ignacio Zaragoza is a key route. The modernization of this road would not only improve access to the airport, but would also facilitate the transport of goods and strengthen the region's competitiveness in logistical terms," ​​said Max Elmann Arazi. .

In short, investing in integration has a challenge common to many metropolitan areas. It is essential for the sustainable development of both entities. The improvement of the main access roads, such as Ave Constituyentes, Insurgentes and Ignacio Zaragoza, would not only speed up mobility, but would also stimulate the economy, boost tourism and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants. It is important that governments and relevant authorities prioritize these investments to ensure equitable and sustainable growth in this important metropolitan region.


Contact name: Antonio Lopez

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