Social networks: Facebook wants to offer software for propaganda check

Millions of Facebook and Instagram users have been hit by Russian propaganda during the US election campaign. The group wants to make the content identifiable.

Social networks: Facebook wants to offer software for propaganda check

By end of year, Facebook wants to offer software that helps users check ir content on social networks for Russian propaganda. As group has said in San Francisco, users will be able to understand wher y have encountered Internet research agency content on Facebook or Instagram between January 2015 and August 2016, during US election campaign. This agency, based in St. Petersburg, is author of Russian Propaganda and published manipulative advertisements.

On a Facebook blog, company wrote: "It is important that people understand how foreign actors tried to sow discord and mistrust by using Facebook before and after US election 2016." According to estimates by group, 126 million US citizens were confronted with propaganda content during campaign alone on Facebook. Anor 20 million citizens should have come into contact with Russian propaganda via Instagram.

The announcement of software can be considered in response to a request from US Congress: The Senate and House of Representatives had asked Facebook and or Internet corporations to allow ir users to be influenced by Russian propaganda in US election. Facebook, Twitter, Google and some or companies founded Trust Project initiative to identify "trustworthy" news sources that meet transparency and ethics standards.

Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg had reaffirmed in early November seriousness of using Facebook "to prevent abuse on our platforms" search. Good quarterly figures are incidental, as long as "our services are exploited in a way that people do not bring toger," said Facebook founder. The fact that Russia used network to sow strife makes him angry.

Date Of Update: 24 November 2017, 12:03