Afghanistan: More than 70 deaths from attacks on mosques

Two self-suicide on mosques have been perpetrated in Kabul and the central Afghan province of Ghor. In the capital was the attack of Shiite believers.

Afghanistan: More than 70 deaths from attacks on mosques

At two attacks on mosques in Afghanistan, at least 72 people have been killed. The suicide bombing in capital city of Kabul was directed against a Shiite mosque in StadtviertelDascht-e Bartschi. The majority of SchiitischeHasarass live re. In past, Persischsprachige minority was repeatedly victims attacks. According to government information, at least 39 people were killed and anor 45 injured. According to eyewitnesses, attacker was supposed to have shot praying before he blew himself into air. Among victims were also women and children, said a government spokesman.

The second stop was a mosque in central Afghan province of Ghor in district of Dolaina. Again, a suicide bomber blew up in air. There were 20 people killed and ten injured, a spokesman for provincial government said.

A member of provincial council, Muwen Ahmed, said whole blanket had come down. In his view, target of attack was well-known Milizenkommandeur and bitter opponents of radical Islamic Taliban, Fasl Ahad, who had come to evening prayer.

The mastermind was initially unclear. Unlike in many Muslim countries, re is no history of bloody feuds between Sunnis and Shiites in Afghanistan. Since advent of terror militia "Islamic State" 2015, however, Shia are increasingly target of brutal attacks. The Shiites are in Afghanistan in minority, about 80 percent of people profess Sunni faith of Islam.

After an UN report published last week, in attacks on Shiite mosques and religious ceremonies this year, more than 80 people have been killed and nearly 200 injured.

Date Of Update: 21 October 2017, 12:03