A woman was swallowed whole by a python in Indonesia

A 50-year-old working on a plantation in Indonesia was apparently killed by a python, which then swallowed her body whole, various local media reported.

A woman was swallowed whole by a python in Indonesia

A 50-year-old working on a plantation in Indonesia was apparently killed by a python, which then swallowed her body whole, various local media reported.

The victim, named Jahrah, worked in a rubber fig plantation in the region of Jambi, on the island of Sumatra.

Worried that she would not come home after her day's work on Sunday, her husband went to the plantation, where he discovered some of her personal belongings, such as her sandals and a scarf.

A search made it possible, the next morning, to find the person responsible for the disappearance: a seven-meter-long python with an abnormally swollen stomach.

“This snake is believed to have stalked the victim. After capturing her, we found the victim in her stomach,” local police chief AKP S Harefa told local media.

According to CNN Indonesia, the policeman clarified that the victim's body was practically intact.

Pythons catch their prey by choking it, before swallowing it whole and slowly digesting it. Cases of human attacks are extremely rare, but not impossible.

According to "The Guardian", two other similar cases have occurred in Indonesia in recent years. A farmer was killed and swallowed in 2017 on Sulawesi Island, while a woman suffered the same fate while gardening on Muna Island in 2018.