Companies "defy" the Telecommunications Law with automated calls, according to Somos Conexión

MADRID, 29 Ago.

Companies "defy" the Telecommunications Law with automated calls, according to Somos Conexión


The telecommunications cooperative Somos Conexión has warned that in the General Telecommunications Law, which prohibits telephone spam by establishing that advertising calls require the prior consent of the client, there is a "legal loophole by not addressing automated calls" .

In fact, according to the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), there is still a high level of noncompliance with the regulations in commercial calls, since only in 33% of cases are those responsible behind them identified and in less than 10% it is possible to delete personal data.

The manager of economic management and commercial area of ​​Somos Conexión, Bernat Alcolea, explained that in order to stop receiving these calls it is necessary for each interested person to notify each telephone company that they are exercising their right of opposition, under the protection of the European Regulation of Data Protection.

However, according to the expert, "the complexity of the process means that most users end up arguing with the telemarketers."

In addition, from the cooperative they have criticized that, although the new regulations improve data protection and consumer rights, "those companies with a lack of ethical and business values ​​continue with their invasive practices."

Thus, Alcolea has highlighted that "beyond the legislation, companies must assume proactive responsibility in the use of technology to protect the client".

In turn, if despite expressing the refusal to receive advertising, it continues to be received, "it is important to file a claim at the electronic headquarters of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection," added the expert.

Somos Conexión is working on a pilot project for workers and their families to eliminate advertising calls and protect personal data.