Feijóo anticipates the PP's "no" to Sánchez's decrees: "We are not going to fix the problems"

Presents the PP and its CCAA as a "safety net" for the Spanish people in the face of the "jump into the void" represented by the PSOE and Sumar Executive.

Feijóo anticipates the PP's "no" to Sánchez's decrees: "We are not going to fix the problems"

Presents the PP and its CCAA as a "safety net" for the Spanish people in the face of the "jump into the void" represented by the PSOE and Sumar Executive

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has anticipated his party's "no" to the three decrees that will be voted on next Wednesday in the Plenary Session of Congress, alleging that they are not going to "fix" Pedro Sánchez's "internal problems of misgovernment." ".

After ensuring that Spain is facing "a leap into the void" with this Executive, he has presented the PP and its CCAA as "safety nets" for the Spanish people and has stressed that in this legislature they will act as a "common sense counterweight to the excesses." .

"Pedro Sánchez maintains his Government on himself, the objectives of the independence movement and nothing for the rest of the Spaniards. And that becomes unsustainable for Spain for four years. We are facing a leap into the void. And before that leap into the void that Spain, this country has two security networks," Feijóo proclaimed at an informative breakfast organized by Europa Press, where he presented the conference by the president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda.

Numerous territorial 'barons' of the PP have supported Rueda in this informative meeting, Isabel Díaz Ayuso (Madrid), Jorge Azcón (Aragón), Alfonso Fernández Mañueco (Castilla y León) and Fernando López Miras (Murcia). The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, and the president of the PP of Castilla-La Mancha, Paco Núñez, also attended.

Feijóo has criticized that the Government has once again "abused and intervened in the Legislative Power by issuing nothing more and nothing less than three royal decree laws" to face an economic crisis that, as he said, the Executive itself "says does not exist." "But anyway, pure coherence", he exclaimed.

Given the "jump into the void that Spain is experiencing" with the PSOE and Sumar Government, Feijóo has stated that the country "has two security networks": the first is the Popular Party, which will serve as the majority group in Congress and in the Senate at the service of the Spanish; and the second, the CCAA in which it governs "acting as a counterweight of common sense to the excesses."


The head of the opposition has warned the Government that "the Government is wrong if it tries to pressure" the PP "with disqualifications" and "corner it with its overacting." "We, unlike the Government, are totally free," he stated.

Feijóo has once again defended deflating the personal income tax rate, extending the VAT reduction to meat, fish and preserved foods, and returning VAT to 5% on electricity and gas during the coming months. "We are going to spend the entire legislature making solutions available to the Spanish people, but we are not going to fix the internal problems of misgovernment," he warned.

In this sense, he has pointed out that the Government, "if it really wants to implement anti-crisis measures that alleviate the situation of families", must support initiatives in favor of families such as those proposed by his party.

Thus, he has demanded to reduce taxes, especially personal income tax for individuals on the "most modest incomes", as the PP has done in the communities where it governs "with a result of 2,000 million euros of tax reductions."


He has also asked the Executive to extend the VAT reduction on food to preserves, fish and meat, as well as "return the VAT to 5% on electricity and gas for citizens and companies during the coming months."

"These are three reasonable measures that have an impact on the well-being of an immense majority of citizens, more than any of the demands to solve personal problems of some members who are now imploring their yes," he stated.

These are three conditions that the 'popular' demand to consider a possible abstention in the decree relating to urgent measures to face the consequences of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.


However, 'Génova' already anticipates its rejection of the other two decrees, the one relating to urgent measures for the reconciliation of family and professional life; and that relating to the digitalization of the Administration of Justice, which is related to the receipt of European funds. In this way, the Government is at the expense of Junts, which has already shown itself against supporting these decrees.

"We are going to spend the entire legislature making solutions available to the Spanish people, but we are not going to fix the internal problems of misgovernment," warned Feijóo, who insisted that the PP and its CCAA will be a "counterweight" to the policies of the PP Executive.

Feijóo has indicated that in the "multipartite" that governs Spain there is no "common purpose or program" and that its only intention is to "open a franchise in Galicia", with the "desire to take over everything." "This has been demonstrated in a legislature that begins with the amnesty, which is the first payment of an investiture that was purchased with the rights, dignity and resources of all citizens. It makes no difference to have relegated them to a second category," affirmed.