D He suicide of Europe : European values? Oh, no matter

He is the immigrant critic that Morrissey recommends to his fans: Douglas Murray's polemic against Europe's immigration policy shows how liberal rights are becoming.

 D He suicide of Europe  : European values? Oh, no matter
  • Page 1 — European values? Oh, no matter
  • Page 2 — Murray as a German expert
  • Page 3 — filter bubble that has become
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    DerSound is well known: Europe is committed suicide. Frail Undüberfremdet, driven by naivety and self-contempt go to his Endeentgegen. Non-cultural immigrants, especially Muslims, sent to take over Denchristlichen continent. Soon "We will have lost only place in world that was our homeland."

    The suicide of Europe is book of British author Douglas Murray, which appeared in German translation in edition Tichy's insight. For immigration opponents in Germany, Murray could be a reference: he seems to be perfect example of someone Einwanderungfür a fundamental, culture-destroying catastrophe, zugleichvollkommen liberal and polite, indeed downright genteel can occur. Murraysist 38, comes from bourgeois home, was at elite Gymnasium in Etonund studied at Oxford. He is immigrant critic DerSongwriter Morrissey recommends to his fans. When, as in recent times, he speaks British television, he is always eloquent, witty and ironic. The conditions he paints on wall Alswürden most surprising.

    Not conflict but existence struggle

    Why should you deal with this man and his book, which climbed bestseller lists in UK last summer, also in Germany? Because it is possible to study Murray in exemplary ways, as in topic of immigration liberals become rights. This has a lot to do with a kulturpessimistischenLiebe to old European culture, which in itself would not be so much to expose. His relentless stance against Islamism, which he likes to repeat in public debates with IS sympathizers, is also a sincere concern.

    Douglas Murray was born in 1979, London. "The suicide of Europe" is first of his books to be translated into German. (copyright) Douglas Murray/Bloomsbury

    DasProblem is that all se things for Murray are not merely conflicts in our society – between tradition and modernity, between fundamentalism UndLiberalität – but signs of a struggle for cultural existence, to Identitätund displacement. On one hand, we Europeans are: old, uncertain, decadent. On or The Strangers: Proud Unddurchsetzungswillig, free of Western guilt complexes and self-doubt. If European we do not want to claim is Murray's message, n ors would take over continent. He does not want, he concludes his book, "that weak, self-hating, mischievous, tired politicians who have abandoned mselves, unsereHeimat into a completely different place."

    As in rhetoric contest

    To tell this story in his 300-page essay Eindrücklichzu, Murray is like a debating contest: it is less a matter of wher something is factually correct, as if it makes an impression on audience that you want to convince. Everything becomes a symptom of diagnosed disease.

    If England is close to many pubs, it cannot be veränderndenFreizeitgewohnheiten in itself, but because Islam is spreading. If people want to fight against racism or talk about historical crimes of West, y do not do so from genuine historical or moral interest, but from hatred of ir own culture, from urge to "self-denial". If someone finds that crime in Germany is low despite immigration, n that is not a statement that find could be checked. It is an impressive sign of a imRegierungssinne controlled debate, which in Germany, also thanks to "mainstream media", is " most restricted Undpolitisiert" of all Europe.

    Date Of Update: 04 May 2018, 12:02