9 employers 10 are going to propose telecommuting after the crisis, according to a survey

telework is expected to become structural, while one out of three employees will continue to telecommute after the crisis, is it clear from a survey conducted i

9 employers 10 are going to propose telecommuting after the crisis, according to a survey

telework is expected to become structural, while one out of three employees will continue to telecommute after the crisis, is it clear from a survey conducted in June 2020 by the social secretariat SD Worx and the Union wallonne des entreprises (UWE), quoted in The Echo on Wednesday.

According to 92 % of the walloon companies surveyed, the telework is also good, even better than expected. Telework should therefore continue with its development. Nine employers out of ten will continue to offer their employees the opportunity to telecommute. They were no more than 50 % before the crisis.

Date Of Update: 09 July 2020, 04:35