Current account: for the First time, a free account from abroad

The subsidiary of the Spanish Santander Bank group attracts local customers with an Internet account for which no monthly basic fee. There is no condition such

Current account: for the First time, a free account from abroad

The subsidiary of the Spanish Santander Bank group attracts local customers with an Internet account for which no monthly basic fee. There is no condition such as a certain receipt of money. Also, for credit Transfers and the debit card there are no fees. Per month five cash withdrawals in the Euro zone free of charge.

The attack of the Spaniards coincides almost with the announcement of the ING, your checking account 1. To may a monthly money input of at least 700 Euro for free. Otherwise, 4.95 Euro per month will be due.

Currently there are 46 free accounts

With the open Bank the number of free accounts increased to the current 46. Most of them are direct banks and the PSD banks. Interesting that two people is also - and Raiffeisen banks, the regional principle in the Internet age, appears to be redundant to find, and your online accounts nationwide to offer: the VR-Bank Bad Salzungen Schmalkalden from Thuringia, and Hesse Raiffeisenbank in the high Taunus, Oberursel.

in addition to the ING, the the cost of freedom of 1.5. restrict want is the Sparda-Bank Munich from 1. April the absence of charges on and takes 1.90 euros per month for the online account. Starting in may, there are still 44 free private accounts.

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Date Of Update: 18 February 2020, 14:00