The study shows that private patients get faster new medications prescribed

the newly approved drugs in the class of 2014 were Examined in their first four years, until 2017, as the health portal "Fair of health" reports. In the year

The study shows that private patients get faster new medications prescribed

the newly approved drugs in the class of 2014 were Examined in their first four years, until 2017, as the health portal "Fair of health" reports. In the year of the admission of the private health insurance market share was according to the study, at 33.1 percent. In the second and the third year it amounted to about 15 percent and in the fourth year, he finally reached 10.4 percent, the PHI-proportion of the population of eleven percent of the Insured.

with increasing duration, so the authors of the study, were newly authorised medicinal products is also more and more popular in legally patient-insured. On average it takes up to four years, to newly come on the market medication are fully in the care of the statutory health insurance funds, as the study shows.

"Since the absolute regulation amounts to remain in the private health insurance tends to be stable, the decline in private health insurance-market share of quasi-mirror-image numbers, the three to four years, growing Regulation in the Shi system until their market share reaches its normal level,“ said the Scientific Institute of the PKV (WIP).

Doctors prescribe GKV-patients are reluctant to new drugs

One reason for the hesitant spread of newly approved medicinal products for GKV-patients at the beginning of the lack of legal certainty for Doctors to be. These increases only after the official adoption of the supplementary benefit and the amount of the Refund.

After that increases the legal certainty for Doctors, and thus the regulation to pay for new medicines for the Shi-Insured.

To study

The analysis is based on medicines, billing data from the private health insurance company that 88 percent of the PKV-represent the market, as well as on data of the statutory health insurance drug prescription Reports, and of Insight Health.

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Date Of Update: 31 January 2020, 10:00