Data theft: Vulnerability at Equifax was evidently known

Unknown have copied 145 million customer data of the business information Equifax. The former head of the company is responsible for an employee.

Data theft: Vulnerability at Equifax was evidently known

The ft of 145 million customer data at DerWirtschaftsauskunftei Equifax goes back to human error, according to former head of company. As CEO resigned RichardSmith at a hearing at US Congress, underlying vulnerability was not forwarded by a single employee to relevant departments. The weakness was refore not closed. According to Angabenvon Smith, re was also a software that overlooked Frühjahrdie vulnerability when checking system.

Hackers used DieSicherheitslücke between mid-May and July to gain access to data von145, 5 million Equifax customers Zuverschaffen. Data ft is particularly vulnerable to those affected because DieAngreifer also reached social Security numbers. DieseNummern are often used in USA for identification in everyday life, for example BeiMobilfunkverträgen or credit inquiries. In addition, DieAngreifer could also copy names, birth dates and addresses. With this information, fraudsters could record loans under foreign names.

According to DemHackerangriff's own claims, company responded "immediately" and took DieZusammenarbeit with authorities. Equifax specializes in evaluating financial data of customers who have a credit aufnehmenmöchten.

Date Of Update: 05 October 2017, 12:07