European Commission: Amazon to tax 250 million euros according to figures

In the opinion of the EU Commission, Luxembourg preferred unfair and demanded taxes. In the case of Apple and Ireland, the ECJ should decide.

European Commission: Amazon to tax 250 million euros according to figures

According to DemWillen of EU Commission, Amazon is to pay 250 million euros to Luxembourg according to figures. The country granted Amazon an unfair tax relief at that level, competition Commissioner Margre Vestager. This is prohibited by EU state aid rules. The UnzulässigenBeihilfen now needs to reclaim Luxembourg from company.

The group Habefast not taxed three quarters of its profits, said Commissioner. DerKonzern has thus been able to significantly reduce tax burden on its sales in Europe.

Amazon rejected DieVorwürfe. "We believe that Amazonkeine has received special treatment from Luxembourg and we have paid taxes in VollemEinklang with Luxembourg and international tax law," company said.

The EU rules prohibit targeted tax advantages for individual companies. Commission had taken a closer look at tax regulations of Luxembourg with Amazon since 2014. The main focus was on an agreement dating from year 2003, which limited access DerSteuerbehörden on Amazon.

In a similar case, EU Commission had already asked Ireland to Eintreibenvon up to 13 billion euros from Apple. As Ireland bisherweigerte to do so, Commission has now referred case to EuropäischenGerichtshof.

Date Of Update: 05 October 2017, 12:06