Federal budget: Bund to generate 14 billion euro surplus

Instead of a black zero, the Treasury expects a report now with a surplus. This will also pay for the costs of refugees.

Federal budget: Bund to generate 14 billion euro surplus

In federal budget, a surplus of 14 billion euros is recorded for current financial year. This is reported by news magazine of Spiegel and Beruftsich on calculations by Ministry of Finance. So far, a's balanced budget was ausgegangenworden without any debt.

With plus könneInterimsfinanzminister Peter Altmaier (CDU) reimbursement derKernbrennstoffsteuer of a good seven billion euros in DieStromkonzerne and costs for accommodation of refugees of 6.7 billion euros from current revenue Contest, writes magazine. The refugee Reserve with a volume of 20 billion euros will remain intact. If more revenues were to be added to Jahresendeweitere, refugee reserve should be increased accordingly to legal situation.

Tax revenues grow

In latest monthly report, Ministry reported an increase in tax revenues of federal and Ländernvon 4.2 percent for first nine months of year. That's more than 3.9 percent that dieamtlichen tax estimators predict for full year so far.

The Ministry commented on Berichterstattungnicht. A spokesman said, "The result of NächstenSteuerschätzung from 7 to 9 November will give an overview of margins in federal budget for next Legislaturperiodegeben". There is a current financial plan. This contains for drift 2019 to 2021 freely available budget resources of insgesamt14, 8 billion euros.

The budget appropriations available in this and in coming years were discussed in past Wocheauch by Jamaican negotiators of CDU, CSU, FDP and greens. There were significant differences here. However, four parties initially wanted to wait for tax estimate in ÜbernächstenWoche.

Date Of Update: 29 October 2017, 12:03