Max Schrems: This is none of your business, Schufa-Facebook-Google

Max Schrems is the man that data collectors like Facebook fear in court. Now his project Noyb – 34; None of your Business 34; – New plaintiffs against corporations.

Max Schrems: This is none of your business, Schufa-Facebook-Google

What is majority of Max Schrems? For more than six years, Austrian has been legtsich with Facebook again and again, like in court, mostly due to data protection or his absence. With success: During his studies, he brought Facebook to show him what it really knows about users like him – far more than is commonly known. He put a lot of pressure on Facebook with his complaints to competent Irish Data protection authority that company deactivated its face recognition technology in Europe. It is also due to fact that European Court of Justice (ECJ) tipped safe Harbor Agreement on exchange of data between US and EU.

Now 29-year-old is planning to expand. For this he has organization Noybgegründet – None of your business, to German: Gehtdich nothing. The aim is to enforce European data protection law, with complaints from data security authorities as well as strategic lawsuits in court. Because law may be strong on paper if 2018 EU data Protection regulation comes into force. But where no plaintiff, as no judge. Who has time, desire and financial means to take action against Facebook league companies? So seek Schrems plaintiff. People like him who are not afraid of a pack of lawyers from a large company and who are willing to go through instances for years, always accompanied or represented by NOYB.

This may include illegal data storage, such as credit bureaus. Or to be able to use products such as smartphones or online services even if you do not agree to ir data collection. Schrems says that data protection Regulation prohibits such a compulsion for "final" approval. The industry sees this differently, however, as this working paper by International Trade Association of online advertising industry (IAB) shows. The dishes will be clarified.

Strategic lawsuits against companies

Noyb wants to find and collect affected persons and to identify jeweilsgeeigneten place of jurisdiction. Say one where chances of success are high. The basic data Protection regulation makes this possible in principle. Schrems presents itself noyb as a kind of turnstile, with cooperation partners in as many EU countries as possible – be y activists, lawyers or hackers who uncover data protection violations.

"For years I have been carrying this around with me," he says during DerVorstellung in Berlin. "It is ridiculous that individual student, who is doing something about Facebook, is enforcement phenomenon in Europe. You have to do this on a neat, structured basis. "

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For this seineneue organization needs a team of at least two employees and two IT experts, which is why Schremseine Crowdfunding campaign has started. He wants to get at least 250,000 euros toger, rar double. To attract and pay good people who would orwise be wooed by law firms and companies. He already has just under 60,000 euros, Größtenteilsvon city of Vienna and operators of PrivatsphärefreundlichenSuchmaschine StartPage. What Noyb would prefer is permanent supporters who donate at least 50 or 100 euros per year.

The Citizens right Carrot

The board of Noyb, which consists of Schrems himself and two or Austrians, works on a voluntary basis. Schrems can do this according to his own information, because he is financially well-protected due to his family circumstances, spends little money and is a sought-after speaker. But he also says that he "does not have life-time to build a non-governmental organization for ten years." Sometime he will want to do something else, until n noyb should work without name Schrems.

In Germany, Noyb has an ally with Society for Freedom Rights (GFF). The GFF with legal means such as constitutional complaints against State rar than private sector actors, but objectives are comparable: both organizations are concerned with enforcing legal means, which guarantees law. "You've got a carrot on right, so to speak, and now we have to see if people are snapping," says Ulf Buermeyer, chairman of Schrems. The Crowdfunding is running until end of January.

Date Of Update: 30 November 2017, 12:04