Bangladesh: Francis calls for the end of the Rohingya conflict

The pope called for reconciliation during his visit to Bangladesh. Despite previous criticism, he again avoided naming the ethnic group of the Rohingya.

Bangladesh: Francis calls for the end of the Rohingya conflict

During his visit to Bangladesh, Francis called for an end to Rohingya conflict hatPapst. At a speech in capital city of Dhaka, he thanked Regierungfür for accommodating refugees from Myanmar and called on international community Dazuauf to "take decisive action with regard to this serious crisis". The pope was previously in Myanmar. Just like in Bangladesh, Francis did not explicitly mention ethnic group of Rohingya. In Dhaka, he only spoke of "refugees reallocations Rakhine State".

Various human rights activists had asked Francis to openly address and condemn conflict. For years, MuslimischeMinderheit of Rohingya in Buddhist Myanmar has been suppressed. At end of August, conflict escalated. Hundreds of Rohingya have since been killed by military and have fled around 620,000 to neighboring country of Bangladesh, where in makeshift camps live. The United Nations is talking about "ethnic cleansing" with regard to humanitarian situation.

After his stay in Myanmar, pope now visits Bangladesh. He visited various monuments commemorating Independence War of 1971 and spoke with President Abdul Hamid. During an inter-religious event he will also meet Rohingya members on his multi-day trip. "In a place where religion is often abused – it is scandalous – to stir up redivisions, such a testimony to ir reconciliation and Einheitstiftende power is more than ever necessary," said Francis. However, fact that pope will not visit a refugee camp during his visit to Bangladesh provided criticism.

Bangladesh's President Hamid called on Dieinternationale community to react swiftly and decisively to Situationzu. Already last week, Bangladeschmit Myanmar had concluded a repatriation agreement, although most Rohingyaeine reject return. Furrmore, country plans to relocate refugees on Eineabgelegene Island in Bay of Bengal, which is flooded during monsoon season. According to Government, this is due to alleged Umweltbelastungsowie security risks at current location of refugee camps in Cox ' SBazar.

Date Of Update: 01 December 2017, 12:03