PRESS RELEASE: Repara tu Deuda Abogados cancels €23,000 in Majadahonda (Madrid) thanks to the Second Chance Law

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PRESS RELEASE: Repara tu Deuda Abogados cancels €23,000 in Majadahonda (Madrid) thanks to the Second Chance Law

(Information sent by the signatory company)

The bankrupt got into debt for the opening of a clothing store that ended up closing due to economic losses

Majadahonda (Madrid), August 25, 2023.- The Court of First Instance no. 23,000 euros. The case has been processed by Repara tu Deuda Abogados, a leading law firm in Spain in the Second Chance Law. SEE JUDGMENT

As the lawyers for Repara tu Deuda explain, "this whole situation arose from the moment in which the debtor started her own business, specifically a clothing store, capitalizing on what was left of her unemployment benefit. She had to invest in renovating the premises, which cost her more than expected. The problem arose when she had no profit margin left, that is, the debtor sold the item but at the same time had to buy more and make her most essential personal expenses. After a In a short period of time, the business began to make losses. In order to maintain it, the bankrupt requested more loans to the point that the situation became unsustainable. The business generated more losses and ended up closing it." For this reason, the bankrupt went to Repara tu Deuda Abogados in search of a solution.

The Second Chance Law came into force in Spain in 2015. Although there is some ignorance about this legislation, the truth is that more and more people turn to it to cancel the debts they have contracted and which they cannot afford. In fact, the office exceeds the figure of 20,000 individuals and freelancers who have put their case in their hands to start from scratch.

One of the keys to obtaining a satisfactory result from this process is to place yourself in the hands of a professional and specialized law firm. In this sense, to offer confidence to its clients, the firm publishes all the judgments of the cases in which they have participated.

It is currently the law firm that has handled the most cases in Spain and the one that has canceled the most debt to its clients, having exceeded the amount of 160 million euros exonerated. An exponential growth of this figure is expected given the high number of files that are being processed and as a consequence of the queries that are received daily.

Bertín Osborne, official image of Repara tu Deuda Abogados, collaborates with the law firm so that the law reaches more people. "Since this legislation has helped so many people - declare the lawyers - we want to have figures who participate in its dissemination so that there are many who can start from scratch without any type of debt." For people who cannot use this mechanism, the office also offers the cancellation of credit cards, revolving cards, mini-credits, loans and mortgages through the study of the contracts signed with banks and financial institutions.

ContactContact name: David GuerreroContact telephone number: 655956735