RELEASE: Latest NOSTER solutions for a comprehensive analysis of microbiota and metabolites

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RELEASE: Latest NOSTER solutions for a comprehensive analysis of microbiota and metabolites

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- Cutting-edge research on the gut microbiome: NOSTER's latest solutions for comprehensive analysis of microbiota and gut bacteria-based metabolites

KYOTO, Japan, Dec. 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Noster Inc. of Japan, a leading provider of gut microbiome testing services, is proud to introduce innovative updates to its research on gut microbiota and metabolite-based testing services. in cutting-edge intestinal bacteria. These advances have far-reaching implications for research on human health and diseases such as diabetes, the development of dietary supplements and innovative functional foods.

Noster Analysis Website

Noster's microbiome analysis approach simultaneously evaluates the composition of gut bacteria and their metabolite profile through a fusion of metagenomics and metabolomics.

Metagenomics involves analyzing the genetic information of the gut microbiota, while metabolomics addresses the properties of metabolites produced by the gut microbiome. By integrating these methodologies, Noster can evaluate both the function of the gut microbiome and the health status of the host.

Noster's metabolome analysis service focuses on fatty acid metabolites generated by the gut microbiota during the breakdown of dietary fiber and fatty acids. This includes short-chain fatty acids and distinctive metabolites derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids such as HYA (10-hydroxy-cis-12-octadecenoic acid) and KetoA (10-oxo-cis-12-octadecenoic acid).

Fatty acid metabolites not only act as an energy source for the intestinal microbiota, but also play critical roles in protecting the host intestinal mucosa, regulating the immune system, controlling lipid metabolism and synthesis. of neurotransmitters.

Leveraging targeted analysis technology, Noster's metabolome analysis service quantitatively and comprehensively detects 45 types of polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolites produced by intestinal bacteria in biological samples. This involves analyzing stool, blood and saliva samples from healthy Japanese individuals, resulting in a proprietary database of metabolites produced by gut bacteria. This database is essential to identify metabolites effective in the treatment of human diseases by comparing patient samples.

In addition to metabolome analysis, Noster offers a gut microbiota analysis service, amplifying 16S rRNA genes from bacteria using PCR and analyzing them using next-generation sequencing. This allows a comprehensive evaluation of the type and distribution of bacteria in a given sample.

Noster's services find application in diverse fields, including elucidating the metabolic mechanisms of the gut microbiome, discovering new biomarkers and therapeutic targets, understanding the role of the gut microbiome in disease development, and exploring new functions of foods and food supplements.

About Us Inc.

Driven by the vision of “connecting life and the gut microbiome,” Noster aims to contribute to scientific advances in the microbiome to improve human health worldwide.

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Contact information

Nanami Akatsuka (Ms) International RelationsTel: 81 (0) 75-921-530335-3 Minamibiraki, Kamiueno-cho,Muko-shi, Kyoto, 617-0006, Japan E-mail:

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