STATEMENT: Gran Canaria draws up a plan to achieve the 2030 Agenda on the island

(Information sent by the signatory company).

STATEMENT: Gran Canaria draws up a plan to achieve the 2030 Agenda on the island

(Information sent by the signatory company)

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, March 12

INFECAR Feria de Gran Canaria brings together experts and experiences on practices to achieve the 2030 Agenda at the I Ecoisla Gran Canaria 2030 Symposium

The Cabildo of Gran Canaria opened the I Ecoisla Gran Canaria 2030 Symposium at INFECAR Gran Canaria Fair between March 12 and 15. This event aims to be a space for reflection and exchange on relevant aspects and possible practices for the path that Gran Canaria and the Canary Islands must take to make the ideal of Ecoisla a reality, an island strategy that is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. With the technical contribution of GESPLAN, the Symposium will consist of four days of presentations at INFECAR Feria de Gran Canaria, and two evening workshops that will take place in the Multipurpose Room of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria. The event features experts and experiences of interest on the path towards social, economic and environmental sustainability, and aims to generate a corpus of knowledge so that the island continues on the sustainable path at all levels. However, this symposium will include a space for reflection on the 2030 Agenda at the state level, with speakers such as José Correa Pernas, the communication specialist of the 2030 Agenda, Óscar Toro-Peña, or José Ramón Sobron Perea, some experiences such as Barcelona will be presented (José Ángel Carcelén Luján and Francisco Gutiérrez Marchena) or Vitoria (Beatriz García-Moncó Piñeiro) and the Canarian and Gran Canaria strategy will be addressed with David Padrón Marrero, Irene Bello Quintana, Octavio Mederos Marrero, Johner Perdomo or Ana Moreno Mederos. The program includes two workshops that take place this afternoon and morning. The first has to do with the integration of the 2030 Agenda in the territory, led by José Correa Pernas and Máximo Plo Seco, both belonging to Sustainable Startup

Contact Contact name: Raúl Vega Contact description: Head of Communication Contact phone: 928915133