Constitutional Court: Karlsruhe judges give themselves code of conduct

The judges of the supreme German court want to disclose their income and accept only limited fees. There are also rules for former judges.

Constitutional Court: Karlsruhe judges give themselves code of conduct

The judges desBundesverfassungsgerichts have a Verhaltenskodexauferlegt. In framework of rules, judges of Constitution undertake to exercise ir duties independently, in a non-partisan, discreet and dignified manner and not to prejudice reputation of court.

The code prescribes that judges only accept in very beschränktemUmfang fees and gifts and disclose Einkünfteaus lectures, events and publications.

Auchdas behavior of divorced judges is governed by code. For example, y should not take over a consultant activity for one year, do not write opinions and do not act in court. Gleichesgilt permanently for cases which were pending to m during ir term of office. In addition, former judges must not represent anyone before Constitutional Court in order to avoid impression of "inappropriate Verwertunginternen knowledge".

The court did not Einenkonkreten reason for rules. However, former President of court, Hans-Jürgen Papier, was repeatedly criticized in past. According to SeinemAusscheiden in year 2010 he wrote against fees of Constitutional Court, which was also written about possible procedures of nuclear power plants.

In spring of 2017, court president Andreas Voßkuhle had announced that he wanted to set up rules of conduct for judges. The codex is a FreiwilligeSelbstverpflichtung. No penalties for Fehlverhaltendrohen, since no one controls Constitutional Court. The court would like to continue to develop DieLeitlinien regularly in plenary Besprechenund, if necessary.

Date Of Update: 05 January 2018, 12:03