Philippines: Military confirms death of IS rebel leaders

The Philippine military has two suspected leaders of the terror Militia 34; Islamic State 34 killed in the city of Marawi. 17 hostages were released in the fighting.

Philippines: Military confirms death of IS rebel leaders

In battles in Philippine city of Marawihat, military killed two suspected leaders of "Islamic State" terror militia. The confirmed defense Minister Dolphin Lorenzana. According to government, a dergetöteten male is famous IslamlistenführerIsnilon Hapilon. 17 hostages were liberated in fighting, it was said furr.

After death of DerIS leader, Lorenzana assumes that conflict in Philippines city of Marawi Baldbeenden be able to: "We may confirm end of battles in a few days."

Hapilon is on US list of dermeistgesuchten terrorists in world. The US had a bounty of five million dollars on him. Hapilon and tolls are considered to be two of Letztenverbliebenen rebel leaders of IS in Philippines. Islamists had set out in May in Marawi on Dersüdphilippinischen Island of Mindanao to exclaim re on model of I caliphate. The terrorist militia has been delivering fights against government forces in Marawi for months. Since n, more than 1,000 people have getötetworden, more than half a million of inhabitants had to Zuhauseverlassen.

Date Of Update: 17 October 2017, 12:03