Sexual offences: New accusations against Dieter Wedel

In time, other actresses weigh heavily on the 75-year-old director. Numerous accusations can be attested by documents and witnesses.

Sexual offences: New accusations against Dieter Wedel

In current issue of time (for subscribers), four women raise new, heavy accusations against television director Dieter Wedel, 75. These range from harassment, violence and sexual coercion to rape.

For example, Wedel attacked Swiss actress Esr Gemsch 1980 in his hotel room and tried to rape her. "He sat down astride on me, grabbed my head by hair and beat him again and again on bed, once also on wall and n once on edge", Gemsch is quoted in dossier of time. With her cervical vertebrae she had bounced so edge that she could no longer move. Wedel also tied her throat with her scarf, so that she barely got any air. Because of her injuries, Gemsch had to cancel shoot, her role was newly occupied.

Gemschs successor, actress Ute Christensen, describes in time dossier how she had been bullied and humiliated 1981 during spin of Wedel after she had knocked out an invitation to his hotel room. Christensen was – what Wedel did not know – n in second month pregnant. After 40 days of filming, her nerves had no longer withstood bullying, she says. She came to hospital with a nervous breakdown and abdominal bleeding. There she lost her unborn child.

See file "The Shadow Man" in issue 05/2018. You can purchase current time at kiosk or here.

Anor actress reports anonymously, Wedel drove her 1975 with his car into a forest and raped re. The now 74-year-old has tried in vain to fend him off. "He dragged on my clos and rübergewälzt to me until his body was over mine. At some point I thought: only way to stop this is to give up my resistance. Then it's over quickly. "

In addition to affected women, among or things, well-known character actor Michael Mendl expresses accusations against Dieter Wedel. Numerous accusations can be made through documents from archives, ors by testimony of witnesses to film set, friends and women's relatives. Both Esr Gemsch and Ute Christensen have issued sworn insurance against time. Dieter Wedel has refrained from a detailed opinion on time and referred to his battered health status.

Already three weeks ago several women in Time magazine had raised similar accusations against Dieter Wedel (for subscribers), which he all rejected. He never did sexual violence to any woman. In one of cases, Public Prosecutor's office in Munich has now commenced investigations. On Monday, director resigned from his office as director of Bad Hersfelder Festival.

The complete text can be found here (for subscribers).

Date Of Update: 25 January 2018, 12:03