D Euscthland : Discourse machines in Böhmermann Park

Everything that doesn't fit on TV has to be in here. With his first exhibition 34;D Euscthland 34; will Jan Böhmermann illuminate the state of the nation. Is that funny?

 D Euscthland  : Discourse machines in Böhmermann Park
  • Page 1 — Discourse vending machines in Böhmermann Park
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    Is that still satire or a revolution? Arises was so important to Jan Böhmermann that he not only had it printed on flyer for his first museum exhibition, but also in form of a wall tattoo as first Exponatausstellt, art context affine in lowercase: Is this still satire or already revolution?

    The question, of course, initially does not focus on his own work as a "nonsense Bird" (Böhmermann), but on "State of Germany in Superwahljahr2017". Merkel is somehow foggy, says TV presenter now exhibition curator in conversation before official opening of his show in NRW forum Düsseldorf. " All kind of beige: The Chancellor's clos, VergangenenLegislaturperioden, wear outside, even GescheitertenSondierungsgespräche to a Jamaica coalition. "

    A trifle is slipping to right

    Germany, says Böhmermann, live so before Sichhin, and it is completely open wher this is now a bad or a guterZustand. In any case, it doesn't sound like revolution. On contrary, "is anyone messed up at all?" Well, at least a little bit of exhibition title, which is emblazoned above entrance: Deuscthland. This is not a typo. A trifle is slipping to right.

    Plaid blouse, beige trousers: Logical, Angela Merkel's hiking clos © NRW-forum Düsseldorf/Photo: B. Babic

    Inside you can see a bottle of Polish beer and a stone on a shelf board. You see a Irgendwiechinesisch decorated candy vending machine where you can draw a Euroeinen "Hetzkeks". You can see photos of Angela Merkel beimWandern in beige trousers and plaid blouse. Similar clos are in front of Anfassenbereit on a table too: on a cloth with Chancellor. It's clear.

    He wanted to present here what IMTV was not possible, says Böhmermann. On one hand, what fell on ganzenBrainstormings for broadcasts right and left, and on or, what AufZDFneo "for ethical reasons" was not.

    Heart, head and wink-smiley

    In end, this is a dozen exhibits or installations, extremely sober, almost unlovingly strung on walls einesrund 100 square meters of white space. A green, about 10 x 4 centimeters smaller, zerknickter slip behind glass, mantra is called DasExponat. According to work in year 2016, Böhmermann has scribbled three emoticons mitKugelschreiber: A heart, a head, a wink-smiley. The man is right: that wouldn't come over on Fernsehbildschirmirgendwie.

    The question is: Is it coming over here? Contrary to his Neo magazine Royale, in which some of spectators always just stumbles on zapping, Böhmermann does not have to "pick up" his spectators here. You must come vonselbst, "for example with Düsseldorfer Stadtbahn". Dasfreut him a lot. Television, which is often intellectually barrier-free.

    Date Of Update: 24 November 2017, 12:03