Greenpeace Boss on the Munich conference: Here there is Power and resources

The issue of climate security, took the lead in the security conference only a small role. Greenpeace-Boss Jennifer Morgan is now demanding solutions. "We ne

Greenpeace Boss on the Munich conference: Here there is Power and resources

The issue of climate security, took the lead in the security conference only a small role. Greenpeace-Boss Jennifer Morgan is now demanding solutions.

"We need solutions," says Jennifer Morgan. And the Antarctic is warming more photo: Paul Souders ' /imago

taz: Mrs. Morgan, have understood, the assembled politicians, military and business people to this conference now, what is at stake?

Jennifer Morgan : I think most of them have still not understood what is the meaning of the climate crisis for the security policy and foreign policy. The security community no longer is just beginning to consider the climate crisis as a marginal issue.

The MSC is not just as the Holy Grail of progressive politics just to be known. What was your goal here?

I wanted to ask the organizer, Wolfgang Ischinger, to back the climate crisis more to the center of the attention. The climate-consciousness is everywhere in society, in science, in government, in the business world. Now, the security community must and in the core of the security conference to follow.

How did Wolfgang Ischinger responded to the challenge?

He has responded that I need to acknowledge, and has put the issue of climate security on the Agenda. The subject needs to be positioned much more centrally. But above all, the safety conference must use their very special strength: the fact That so many international decision-makers come together.

For the financial world about the climate crisis is a big risk factor. And there are so many decision makers from the world of Finance are here! The security conference could use this Potential in order to develop solutions. We talk enough. We are in need of solutions. Here, there is the Potential, the Power, the resources.

If you look around, then very many uniforms running here, but through the hallways. At the core of the MSC is a military and political event.

The military fight wars for Oil. Now, the military needs to do exactly the opposite: ensure that the Oil, the Gas these CO2 bombs remain in the ground.

And they came with the military here in Munich?

Well, with active military it is difficult. Not yet so far. No Ministry of defence takes the risks of climate change seriously, so that you can change your resources and strategies. We need a new peace and climate policy.

in addition to governments, there are supranational organisations which play a role in this. How far you have come in Munich with NATO?

photo: Denis Balibouse/reuters

53, has since 2016, along with Bunny McDiarmid, the environmental organisation Greenpeace International. In 2007, she advised the German government on climate issues

Not very far.

Was it still right to come to the MSC?

I think it's worth it, the people directly to address and confront. If Greenpeace has in this Situation, the Chance to confront the security community, then we need to make the.

It is just very opportune to anything with climate. The safety conference on image addition?

There are people at the MSC, the understand how elementary the climate crisis is associated with the security policy. But the breakthrough I can't see it yet. "Houston we have a problem" is not arrived at in the security community still. I hope that the attention to the climate crisis in Munich in the coming year, in the coming years. But I'll believe it when I see it.

Date Of Update: 16 February 2020, 19:00