Salaries, visas, Integration: What needs to happen so that Germany is an immigration country

"Make it in Germany" – with this Slogan in Germany is in support of foreign specialists. On an Internet portal, there is a job Board and information about lan

Salaries, visas, Integration: What needs to happen so that Germany is an immigration country

"Make it in Germany" – with this Slogan in Germany is in support of foreign specialists. On an Internet portal, there is a job Board and information about language courses. It is referred to the good quality of education and health system, political stability, and international comparison of short working hours with lots of vacation and holidays.

advertising is necessary: Because the Federal government sees Germany in the coming years, increasingly skilled workers from abroad instructed. The is expected to come primarily from countries outside the European Union.

enterprises can not take orders, because staff is missing

fact: For the economy, the shortage of skilled workers remains, in spite of a weaker economy, the greatest business risk, such as from a survey of the German chamber of Commerce and industry tags shows. For companies, this acts like a brake pad: you will not be able to accept jobs, because they have enough qualified people.

In Germany, with other countries in the competition for skilled workers. The skilled workers immigration act, which occurs at the beginning of March, aims to help young qualified workers from Non-EU countries much easier and faster the way to Germany. Behind it is a personnel strategy of the Federal government, which is based on three columns.

The three pillars of the government's strategy:

on The one to be used in the pool of potential Skilled labour in Germany better. So the unemployed are to be qualified, in order to find a Job. (Display)

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and it also should go further immigration from EU countries . The government expects that immigration from the EU is decreasing – because these countries need their skilled workers themselves and also from the demographic change are concerned, so the aging of the population.

So now the "third pillar" is to be strengthened: the immigration of skilled workers from the so-called third countries , that is, from countries outside the EU. Internally in the Federal government that in the coming years, tens of thousands of skilled workers from Non-EU States is used.

In what Occupations there are shortages

The biggest bottlenecks according to the experts strategy currently in Professions in the fields of

  • mathematics,
  • computer science
  • science and
  • technique.

in addition, the construction, the Hotel and catering area, as well as health professions are affected. The question as to the specific qualifications usually, the following trades are mentioned:

  • electrical technicians
  • metal workers
  • mechatronics
  • chefs
  • Old and a nurse,
  • computer science and
  • software developers.
How and where specialists are enlisted

countries in which skilled workers recruited should be, should according to the strategy initially, including Brazil, India, Vietnam and Mexico. It is crucial that countries are interested in cooperation with Germany, and even allow workers to be recruited. This is the case, should improve the consultation of Interested parties abroad. An important role in the foreign chambers of Commerce play. Particularly important deals are already abroad, to learn English. Content check (display)

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"The Recruitment of workers from third countries is hard work," Daniel said third stream, a member of the three-member Board of the Federal employment Agency. The recognition of vocational training and authorities. The Federal Agency attempts "to organize a fair and transparent mobility process". Not the people you want to get in abroad or in Germany, to the wrong people and being ripped off.

graduating from College and more than 50,000 Euro salary is often a prerequisite

The Federal Agency is looking for, for years, with partners, specifically for labour abroad for the German market – such as the Philippines, Tunisia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. According to the Federal Agency 60,000 people from Non-EU countries came in the last year for professional reasons to Germany.

For Non-academics was in the door but usually – although not alone in the care in Germany is currently 40,000 forces are missing. Academics have it easier: The EU about the so-called "Blue Card" already since 2012, foreign graduates with a durable work, and the right to stay. You need a degree. In addition, you must demonstrate an income of a minimum of 53.000 euros.

read more: Germany to more foreign professionals want to – but are not exactly thrilled

More staff for visa processing

the most sought-after professional comes widely without a visa. The German missions abroad, the issue of the documents, prove to be but so far as a bottle neck on the way to Germany. In view of the sharp increase in demand had increased at affected locations, both in terms of personnel as well as spatially, according to the foreign office. "As a result, we were able to reduce the wait times for skilled workers at many agencies dramatically", is insured there.

The Federal government is investing in personnel: The budget for the coming year 109 additional Points are provided for the visa processing. In addition, visa procedures should be digitized. A separate government Agency with at least 200 employees, the Federal office for Foreign Affairs, to take care of the beginning of 2021 to, among other things, the visa processing.

the Integration of immigrants

The integration Commissioner of the Federal government, Annette Widmann-Mauz, warned against making the same mistakes. "It was not wrong to integrate the so-called guest workers of the 1950s and 1960s, systematically," said the CDU politician of the Newspapers of the Funke media group. Foreign experts should be integrated in all areas of life. "What has been missing Turkish miners of the first guest worker generation, you must get the Filipino Nurse today."

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Date Of Update: 30 January 2020, 11:57