Car industry: Monkey Asthma

Yanks want boards, French want boards. What does the German want? He wants transparency. A defense script for Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche

Car industry: Monkey Asthma
Yanks want boards, French want boards. What does German want? He wants transparency. A defense script for Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche 31 January 2018, 16:45 Uhr108 comments Content
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    Wirdjetzt actually every screw, which is turned in at VW, BMW or Daimler on band InsBlech, is examined to see if it receives traces of nuts oderzum third sex must be counted? Recently we have not NUR80 million federal coaches in country, but also 80 million engineers. Thursday is annual press conference of Daimler AG. Nobody talks about gigantischeWachstum. Instead, for days again exhaust fumes, exhaust fumes, exhaust gases. Hear Nieauf?

    DieterZetsche is probably preparing everything in se minutes. Go again through hall, pluck tablecloths straight, check microphone system ("Hello, hello, one, two, three"), nibbled on moustache. As soon as you start making coal in this country, you make it all maggoty. Are exhaust filters vegan? Are exhausts mouth-blown? No, y're not! So what? The Crates Könnenschnell Drive. The Japanese in ir motorized makis let empire rise again thanks to Fürsolche cars. The Amis Wollenbrettern. The French want to board. The Briton planks for his Lebengern. What does German want? He wants transparency.

    Sydney already realize that tomorrow a few overzealous journalists with SCRAMDISKMIGHTBE sustainability, environmental and or Chiasamenfirlefanz nerves will come back. Zetsche is chief executive officer of a public limited company and not Kopierhilfeim environment ministry. Even if it doesn't want anyone in head. Zetsche must make just, of which Daimler finds that he has to do it. A car factory customer to build and sell cars. If anyone finds that ingermany is to be environmentally friendly Autosgebaut, yes, my God, n he should commit himself to such a law. and possible breaches of law with sensitive sanctions. But to demand that Zetsche to break his head over asthmatic monkeys is already bad tantric thought. That's what Verlangtdie public. That Zetsche not only oversees auto group and employees and product. But that he also wanders through resin unAbgasuntersuchungsstarterkit, takes air samples and dasStethoskops to trunk of a birch tree. Keep dreaming!

    Toblerone is longer!

    Washat automotive industry is not trying to bring public behutsaman subject of exhaust fumes. By way, at your own expense! Always at your own expense. Tax deductible, but given! The Kabarettistenin of ZDF programme institution described elaborate process German automobile industry to exhaust gas values: "Cars are tested, in of reality so do not exist, with driving ways that are not re, under conditions that never Results that do not occur in reality. " That was meant as mockery. But has Malirgendjemand converted a driving car with exhaust to an emission-free Goldfischim glass? This has been finest German engineering art. Fraud, fraud, it was said everywhere. When Duplo claimed that IhremProdukt was longest praline in world, none of DenSchlaubergern jumped in and said: Toblerone is longer. Wersaubere diesel cars will have to eir renounce diesel on car. But is impression that this is going to Dinkelkräckerfressernniemand?

    Daimler, Volkswagen, BMW and at beginning also Bosch have jointly bought a 1a research laboratory. and 125,000 euros for it to be jumped. Per group, not toger! The Ladenhieß EUGT. Because everything that starts with CFI is serious. The idea behind this was to kick independent innovativeund tests as research analyses of public and Politikfür Lau afterwards. What do you mean, Chuck? They sent ir own people in Bundestag and rolled it to gentlemen and Ladies – Excusez-moi for dierobuste wording – by hand in ir butts. Until again any media had something to do with it, most recently SüddeutscheZeitung, NDR and WDR and also mirror.

    Dobrindt, humble Guy

    What came n can be described without a great Übertreibungals inquisition. There was talk of "affair". Of course, Romaniato Union immediately eingeknicktund would have enforced almost consequences for diesel engines. If, yes, if VerkehrsministerAlexander Dobrindt had not successfully fended off all of m. Daimler originally had idea to have Dobrindt produced as a Abnickdackel for Hutablageim car, but that was not what he wanted. Humble guy.

    Bevorsich is now stirring up someone again: Dobrindt is Minister of Transport and not minister of The environment minister is Barbara Hendricks in Germany. This is one that recently made such a uprising because LandwirtschaftsministerChristian Schmidt voted in death-defying single-aisle for extension of glyphosate-Zulassungim European Parliament. Glyphosatist is a kind of Bach flower rapy. Already says name: Blossom.

    Date Of Update: 01 February 2018, 12:04