Presidential election in Egypt: pure military dictatorship

34;D IE fairest choice in the history of Egypt 34; Promised the election campaign chief of Egyptian president al-Sissi. Serious competitors, however, were removed from the way.

Presidential election in Egypt: pure military dictatorship

In end, candidacy on Nile was still schwarzenKomödie. At least one competitor had to be driven out, DerBefehl was from Cairo presidential palace, no matter how and no matter who. For Plötzlichwar no one left because regime zealots from military and Secret Service Bereitsim advance of forthcoming presidential election had eliminated all rivals of ex-FeldmarschallAbdel Fattah al-Sissi. And so at beginning of week, before end of nomination period, lawyer of a certain Moussa MostafaMoussa to National Electoral Commission, to last push of his Dossierabzugeben. Actually, he supports president Sissi, let alibi man UndChef small Ghad party. But if re are no opposing candidates in such elections, n this will damage prestige of Egypt.

This, however, is far from being saved. "Politics no longer plays a role in this regime. Never before have we experienced a solchepolitische absurdity, "grumbled George Ishaq, ProminenterBürgerrechtler and co-founder of Kefaya movement, who plunged into Arab FrühlingHosni Mubarak. He and 600 personalities of public life called on population to boycott ballot from 26 to 28 March.

This last desperate upsets of ägyptischenZivilgesellschaft had triggered an unprecedented series of arrests and Einschüchterungengegen possible competitors of Sissi. Ex-Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq, who lost DiePräsidentenwahl 2012 just against Muslim brors Mohammed Morsi, rewording five-star hotel JW Marriott in New-Cairo so long worked and put under pressure until he finally announced via Twitter, he sees that Not right man to direct fate of Egypt in near future.

Previously, Colonel Ahmed Konsawa had been arrested shortly after his viaFacebook announced candidacy. Three weeks later, a court sentenced him to six years ' imprisonment – a short process that Court of Appeal now expressly confirmed. "In such a climate iuseblackbox not go on, I have decided not to run," ErklärteMohamed Anwar al-Sadat, grandson of former President Anwar al-Sadat. AuchRechtsanwalt Khaled Ali, who was fund by democracy activists and human rights learners, threw towel after members of his campaign team were Festgenommenworden.

Dismissals, arrests and racket squads

A few days ago it finally met last ErnsthaftenKonkurrenten, ex-General Sami Anan, who was chief of Staff Derägyptischen Army from 2005 to 2011. In his candidate video, he criticized military in particular. The Army's control over economics and politics is derHauptgrund for economic misery and threat of terrorism, SoAnan. He announced that he would strengn civil sector as president, and ErnannteHisham, former head of Court of Auditors, to his adviser.

Do not let anyone who is corrupt, even close to presidential chair, Giftete Sissi in a first reaction. Three days later, Anan was arrested, has disappeared without a trace, and sits somewhere in custody. Advisor Noa, who had been dismissed by Sissi after figuring extent of corruption over last four years to 60 billion euros, was ill-served near his apartment. A three-headed gang of thugs broke his dasrechte leg and wounded him heavily in face.

Sissi, on or hand, acts as if nothing had happened, even as it is known that neir US nor Europe seriously beanstandenwerden its electoral farce. The vote at end of March was going to be "free and transparent", dictator explained and assured that all candidates would have GleichenChancen. In his first press conference, his campaign boss even EinenSuperlativ on it. "The 2018 presidential election will be fairest ever in history of Egypt."

Date Of Update: 02 February 2018, 12:02