Donald Trump: He makes us all opportunistic

Trump was a blessing for critical journalism and satire, it was said a year ago. Today, the US media is facing a seemingly unsolvable problem.

Donald Trump: He makes us all opportunistic
  • Page 1 — he's making us all opportunistic
  • Page 2 — "Trump won't change just because you insult him"
  • Page 3 — a big distraction from actual problem
  • Read on a page

    When Donald Trump was elected president of United States a year ago, most of m had questions: how serious did it new president with his threats? Would he change himself on way to mächtigstenAmt of Earth, perhaps even purifying? In particular, however, question was asked how he would deal with media – he had fantasized in zeal of election campaign of censorship and of lawsuits against journalists, BewusstNazi had scattered keywords like lying press. How serious was it to him?

    Some of se questions can now be answered. The President Donald Trump unterscheidetsich around no hair from candidate Donald Trump. In fact, he acts in almost all matters as if he still running for office he längstinne. The state is treating him unfairly, accusing Supreme Representative selbigenStaates. Behind all sorts of smells trump conspiracies he could check with a single call. He recently asked all seriousness why Mansich looks so much more closely at his scandals than that of an early pensioner from Hudson Valley, as if he were still in election campaign with HillaryClinton. Trump has been washed into white home on a wave of white entmachtungs fears and seems to be still in center of power.

    Adrian Daub

    is professor of comparative literature and German studies at Stanford University in California. He also leads a programme for gender studies. He has worked extensively with German-language literature, German music culture of 19th century and Silicon Valley.

    On November 9, 2016 Wardie inglorious role that American media played in sustainable Aufstiegdes Donald Trump, everyone clear. They had not taken his candidacy seriously and also did not deal with necessary seriousness, demoted his Wahlkampfzur reality show, which came reality star in nature. Ebensoklar was that those media would now have to defend institutions of American democracy against Trump.

    Immune to media debunking

    They passed stress test better than y would have dared to hope. They are aufmüpfiggeblieben and have looked closely. Large parts of media – basically Genommenalle except for government media Fox News and Breitbart – have never ceased to convey to ir viewers and readers that what is happening is not normal. But tragic is that it's probably not enough.

    Thanks to carefully looking media, it was possible to observe how Leni would have looked like Stahl's triumph of will, he would have been staged by by Marx Brors: Trump and his team are trying to amAutoritarismus and stumble over ir own shoelaces every time y try. However, Diezerstörerische power of uninformed, lustloser incompetence seems to be immune to media debunking. When at end of October it became known that Trump did not like to report to widows of fallen soldiers, as it did in USATradition, and that if he did call, he did not merkenkann names, outrage was low. For who would have seriously believed opposite? That a president who tells of laws that does not exist that invites to signing ceremonies and forgets to sign, suddenly from or people and ir EmotionenNotiz? About daily Unsäglichkeiten you can be angry, deeply affected and humiliated – but what knowledge gain does Berichterstattungüber still bring?

    Every week new characters in Trump Show

    Because government has skipped Trumpdie tragedy and moved on to farce, media and entertainment industry have been in a difficult state. You need to inform, but Trump offers rar fabric for entertainment. He does exactly what Manvon expects him to do, like a wrestler or a figure in soap opera. Documenting it almost automatically means to inform less than Zuunterhalten – and thus to get into his game.

    Serious media representatives, of course, know that SieGefahr are running through ir reporting fires to bring oxygen to ohneihn that would have been extinguished long ago. For example, VerrücktePersonenkarussell for President: Every week you have to get used to new characters of Trump show. Only ten days it took between Anthony Scaramuccis memorable first appearance and his demission. And it was already during ten days clear that Scaramucci by no means intended to serve US government. He wanted to establish himself as a figure in Trump drama, n to make media career anywhere else – as if he were shrill neighbor at Kardashians. So how do many people do it. But how can you lead a state with m? And: Should you report on m as if y were serious politicians?

    Date Of Update: 08 November 2017, 12:03