Elke Erb: The Queen of poetic self-meaning

Their speech explorations are perceptive, their flirrender humour always surprising, their rebelliousness unique. The poet Elke Erb on the 80 birthday

Elke Erb: The Queen of poetic self-meaning

"Elke Erb was, is and remains freaked out, devil was thanked", Europeancouncil poet Bert Papenfuß recently explained in his scene primer PsychonautikonPrenzlauer Berg. And re are good reasons for this noblify of Dichterinzur queen of poetic unruliness. From IhrerHinterhofwohnung in Berlin wedding she has been sending Unermüdlichihre language playfully prancing epistles, "5-minute-notate" UndInterventionen into community of experimental poets for many years.

In art derlebensweltlichen and poetic deviation, 1938 was practised early in a WinzigenDorf in Eifel-born Elke Erb. "I have Verhältnissengekündigt,/They were wrong," it says in Ribbon Hündle came Weiterauf Drein (2013) – A maxim of life that has always bestimmthat her biography. Her childhood in seclusion of Eifel was marked by loneliness UndArmut. In village idyll were 1945 horrors of Kriegeseingebrochen, when suddenly a crashed airplane on fields lay Undamerikanische tanks rolled over village road.

No pseudo-coherence

The six-year-old suffered amKriegsende from malnutrition and was unable to attend school. DanielDefoes Robinson Crusoe n became her first literary revival experience. With her parents UndGeschwistern, Erb 1949 moved to new state, "head" GDR. There, pedagogy student and Germanist soon developed her LegendärenEigensinn, who, after a failed Intermezzo as editor BeimMitteldeutschen Verlag, made her language-crazed poet and translator, who aroused impetus in SED state.

In 1968 she published her first poems Undheiratete Adolf Edwards, with which she built in her chosen homeland Wuischke in Lausitzund in Berlin small bases of poetic rebelliousness. When SieAnfang of 1980s tried to assemble heretical spellings of "Prenzlauer Berg connection" in a poetry anthology, Esinnerhalb of literary apparatus of GDR sought to exclude m from DemSchriftstellerverband. The anthology Touch is only EineRanderscheinung appeared n 1983 only in West at Kiepenheuer Heuer Witsch, and her poet colleague Volker Braun invented word of "flip-out-Elke".

Since n, around 20 poem books by Elke Erb have appeared, 1988 Erhieltsie for ir still most famous band Chestnut Alley DenPeter-Huchel prize. Not only in this volume does it happen more often that one-three or four-line poem of proliferating comments Flankiertwird up to 20 pages. This desire for poetic self-discovery via commentary is Daspoetische unique selling point of Elke Erb, at same time driving force of her "processual writing". From her diaries she takes Lektürenotizenund perceptual notes, brings m into a new associative StrukturierteOrdnung without giving text a definitive form. In her Poetologischen remarks of 2015, poet reaffirmed her writing concept, which insists on Revidierbarkeitund openness of form: "I realized that linear notation does not wiedergibt real context in consciousness ." Instead of creating a pseudo-coherence, it is a matter of writing dasSprechen a "subliminal I": "It speaks Sozusagenvon itself, automatically, and it applies, it brings up views of which dunichts suspected." It is a poetry that aims at "liberated intelligence" andmounted "energy enhancement".

"That's not Geklügelt"

For 80 birthday of poet, who will also be awarded Mörike Prize of City of Fellbach in April, her Swiss publisher UrsEngeler has now bundled her poetic works from last twelve years in a Roughbooks special band on 300 pages. For 20 years now, Engeler DerVerleger has been eccentric poet in best sense and has left behind DieUsancen of conventional book sales during this period; Its roughbooks appear without ISBN number and are only available on Internet.

An autonomous territory of poetry that fits well to a Dichterinwie Elke Erb.  "I lay and thought, re came kram-thoughts," it is said in her idyll of 2006. "Of course, Esrecht is to have stuff in your head. /So stars hold you in IhrenBahnen. /rar than to exist out of world/and to be alien to you bebetter animals. /Let your stuff shine like celestial bodies and think of zumAbschluß blackberry vines. " Even with 80 years, Elke Erb, DieDichterin of "kram-thoughts" and astute speech explorations, impresses with einergroßen poetic presence. Her flirrender humour, her überraschungsbereiteIronie are still her strongest poetic productive forces: "and zwarkommt that from plant I am," said poet laconically, " Kommtvon itself. That's not geklügelt. Not conceived. In nothing. "

Date Of Update: 19 February 2018, 12:03