Energy turnaround: Green electricity is declining in the coming year

The green electricity supply for energy from wind power and sun decreases 2018 to 6.792 cents. However, there will be no discharge for consumers.

Energy turnaround: Green electricity is declining in the coming year

For first time since 2015, DieÖkostrom has been declining for electricity from wind power and sun next year slightly UM0, 088 to 6.792 cents per kilowatt hour. This was shared by four major network operators. Thus, according to Renewable Energy Act (EEG), situation is 1.3 percent lower than this year. At same time, however, increasing grid charges are being added to power lines, so that consumers can continue to hope for no noticeable discharges in electricity price.

Currently, EEG-vonVerbrauchern over Stromrechnungbezahlt is 6.88 cents per kilowatt-hour. The decrease of 2018 makes only a few euros per household for year. Experts substantiate Dieminimale change mainly with increased stock market prices. What means slightly lower EEG-condition for household names is hardly to be calculated. It depends on what DieEnergiekonzerne to pass on to customers. In addition, additional reserves are added, such network charges. They want to increase network operators in some significant increments.

The EEG is used as a difference between price that electricity generators receive for ir electricity, and GarantiertenAbnahmepreisen for Ökostromberechnet. The lower exchange price that energy companies have to pay, higher share. Accordingly, calculations for 2018 EinenUmlagebetrag of 23.78 billion euros.

The levy, which has been levied since year 2000, finances expansion of renewable energies. At introduction, Sielediglich was 0.19 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity.

Date Of Update: 17 October 2017, 12:03