Jupiter: Look behind Jupiter's veil

About the interior of the planet

Jupiter: Look behind Jupiter's veil

The chief of gods Jupiter, it is ancient myth, was a notorious transformer: in guise of a white bull, he was to abduct Europe, when Eagles reganymedeed shepherd Boy, when dark cloud brought young Io into his power. All his victims did not know how y happened until it had already happened. Only one, Jupiter's wife Juno, had view. She was only one to recognize true form of her husband. The ancient Juno, it is said, could even look through clouds.

For spacecraft Juno name serves as a good omen as well as a mission: In July 2016 it reached largest planet of solar system to look into its cloud cover. Hypnotic swirling cloud bands in ochre, white, grey, blue and brown, giant red dot – behind this diversity, Primus conceals many mysteries among planets. Because what people are spotting through ir telescopes is always view of outside atmosphere.

But how does it look inside? What drives this turbulent world? How did it originate? And what does this say about early history of solar system? – With se research questions, Juno had been shot into space in 2011 (Time No. 26/16). And apparently it can be probe of goddess do like, at least on first two questions deliver Junos sensors answers.

This article comes from time No. 11/2018. Here you can read entire output.

In this week nature has published four Jupiter essays, three of which deal with interior. First, it has been shown that probe on its orbit around giant is attracted by this different strength. These fluctuations of gravitation correspond to colourful cloud bands on surface. They are caused by huge storm systems that orbit Jupiter. Since gravitation is an effect of mass, it only gives a conclusion: storm bands extend far into atmosphere. About three thousand kilometers far, as second essay clarified.

Below it begins zone, in which Jupiter rotates evenly around its axis without a storm and swirling, like a solid body, it is in third compartment tower. Even that could not have been excluded from exterior, planet, according to size and mass, should be made of light gases instead of heavy elements. In fact, under pressure of hell in deep hydrogen and helium must form a dense, solid soup. Which would have helped Juno to see through two major processes inside giant planet.

A picture of South pole of Jupiter – composed of many smaller infrared images of spacecraft Juno. © NASA/SWRI/JPL/ASI/INAF/IAPS

Finally, fourth contribution of Jupiter package delivers surprises from top view of planet: in elliptical flight, Juno was able to photograph huge cyclones ("cyclones") on both poles, which are orbited by furr cyclones. Where do y come from, why don't y go into each or? All this, Jupiter researchers admit, is still "unknown". The head of gods would have liked that.

Date Of Update: 08 March 2018, 12:03