Kirchenrechtlerin f ü HRT donut vitae

Kirchenrechtlerin f ü HRT donut vitae

Sabine Demel, professor of Catholic Church law at University of Regensburg, is new provincial chairman of Schwangerenberatungs Club Donut Vitae in Bavaria. The General Assembly elected 55-year-old ology on Saturday as successor of Maria Eichhorn, 69. The former member of German CSU Bundestag was in office since 2008 and no longer joined. Demel comes from Coburg and is one of founding members of Donut Vitae in Bavaria. Since 2014, she has been a Eichhorns representative. She is also a marriage, family and life Counselor in Diocese of Eichstätt. At Catholic University re she was 1995 habilitation with a sis on "Abortion between impunity and excommunication. Secular and ecclesiastical criminal law to test. " Since 1997, she has held chair of church law in Regensburg.

Donut Vitae has 65 counselling centres in Bavaria and advises on its own information "on basis of Christian image of man". The association was founded 1999 by prominent Catholics, after church in Germany had been removed from conflict counseling by direction of Pope John Paul II. He looked through advisory certificate, which is a prerequisite for a criminal-free abortion, which obscures ecclesiastical testimony to protection of life. In contrast to those of Donut vitae, no advisory notes have been issued in ecclesiastical schwangerenberatungs places since n.

Date Of Update: 09 October 2017, 12:08