Labour market: study sees millions of jobs threatened by digitisation

According to a survey, more than one in ten in Germany could be displaced because of digitisation. Companies are also threatened by their existence.

Labour market: study sees millions of jobs threatened by digitisation

According to a study, digitisation threatens many jobs in Germany. In next five years, about 3.4 million jobs could be displaced, as Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported, citing a survey by IT Association Bitkom under 500 German companies. That would be more than one tenth of a job. Thus, every fourth company sees itself threatened by digitalization even in its existence.

Development has been underway. According to Bitkom, re are currently 20,000 jobs in communication technology. In mid-1990s, 200,000 people were employed in area. "In just fifteen years we have lost 90 percent of jobs in this area – through digitisation," said Bitkom president Achim Berg of newspaper. As a next step, such a development threatens banks and insurance companies, but also chemical and pharmaceutical industries. In next twenty years, half of all occupational images will be wasted.

Already several times, studies and surveys warned against loss of jobs through digitisation and automation. It often remains unclear how many new jobs are created.

Berg accuses German politicians of not having enough to deal with issue. "At World Economic Forum in Davos, almost every event was about artificial intelligence. In Berlin I have heard far too little of it so far, "said Berg. There was a lack of ideas for how Germany wants to make money in future. For idea of an unconditional basic income, Berg showed himself openly: "We should try this out and see how it works. Will people really take on more social tasks? "

In ir exploratory paper, CDU, CSU and SPD had stated that y wanted to make digital change "positive for all people". This is one of core tasks of new government. Investment by companies in digitisation is refore to be supported by tax incentives. The parties also want to promote digitisation of administration and expansion of gigabit networks. However, re are no concrete measures to be taken by Coalition to counter loss of jobs through digitisation.

Date Of Update: 03 February 2018, 12:03