STATEMENT: Galénic's exclusive patent ALGAE-TIDE debuts at the 33rd IFSCC Congress

BARCELONA, Spain, September 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Galénic premiered its exclusive patented research ALGAE-TIDE at the 33rd IFSCC Congress 2023, which has also been selected in the IFSCC Poster Award.

STATEMENT: Galénic's exclusive patent ALGAE-TIDE debuts at the 33rd IFSCC Congress

BARCELONA, Spain, September 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Galénic premiered its exclusive patented research ALGAE-TIDE at the 33rd IFSCC Congress 2023, which has also been selected in the IFSCC Poster Award. The International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC) usually receives the award "Nobel Prize in Cosmetics". This year's Congress, held in Barcelona, ​​Spain, from September 4 to 7, is sponsored by IFSCC. Among more than 700 global scientific presentations, Galénic's patented research stood out, which consolidates the brand's innovation in the anti-aging skin care sector.

The study reveals that ALGAE-TIDE, patented exclusively by Galénic, can not only activate the anti-aging gene Klotho by 365% to slow down the signs of cellular aging and stimulate the regeneration of longevity proteins, but also provides advanced care of triple action collagen. Galénic achieves this by activating cellular autophagy and counteracting the accelerators of aging, positioning the brand at the forefront of R&D in the sector with a holistic anti-aging approach. Galénic, a pioneer in the field of cosmetics, persistently pushes the boundaries of anti-aging research. Through meticulous scientific innovation, the brand infuses its signature patented discoveries into the third generation of Couture Secret d'Excellence Active Cream, delivering comprehensive anti-aging benefits to skin that enhance suppleness and youthful radiance.

As a pioneering skincare brand for 45 years, Galénic has consistently championed advanced skincare research, earning praise from international professional academic organizations. At this event, the brand was honored with the distinction of becoming an IFSCC Gold Level Benefactor. Dr. Carmina Casas, President of the 33rd IFSCC Congress, officiated the recognition, with Dr. Vania Leite, President of the 34th IFSCC Congress, present as a witness to the brand's achievements.

Within its organizing committee, IFSCC maintains rigorous criteria for the selection of partners. IFSCC Global President Lederman has openly emphasized that collaborative brands must fulfill a dual mandate: demonstrating market leadership and actively championing the progression of cosmetic technologies. Galénic's distinction as an IFSCC Gold Level Benefactor reaffirms the brand's continued recognition by the world's leading cosmetic societies, emphasizing its deep expertise in the most advanced science of skin care.

In the cosmetics landscape, research is not solely an internal effort; The fusion of external resources is essential for brands to strengthen their stature in the market. Galénic signed a strategic alliance with Lubrizol, a global leader in peptide technology and skin biology, to deepen their collaborative efforts on scientific solutions for anti-aging skin care. This synergy reinforces the brand's competitive advantage at the forefront of anti-aging innovation.

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