Turkey: A country is silent

The decree and the handcuffs were replaced by discourse and opposition in Turkey. What happened?

Turkey: A country is silent
The decree and handcuffs were replaced by discourse and opposition in Turkey. What happened? December 20, 2017, 10:49 Uhr334 comments Content
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  • Page 2 — Deniz can't fight back
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    It is not enough to say that DieTürkei is an unjust state. I want you to understand what kind of people are landing in se prisons. Only in this way can manverstehen that Turkey is on a path that is in Düsternisführt. I count people like Deniz Yücel on this sort of person: curious, unprejudiced, fearless. These attributes have recently lead Turkey directly to prison. In a constitutional state re would be an indictment, evidence, deadlines. In Turkeyand, however, is locked away, which is not popular politically. In place of discourse and opposition are decree, proclamation, handcuffs entered. Any political counter-opinion, Geäußertwird, is counted as a personal attack. A country verliertseine many voices. It's going to be a dumb country.

    Deniz currently lives in a country where a large part of intellectual elite has eir fled Inhaftiertoder. Deniz has accompanied rise of political Oppositiongenauso as loss of ir political immunity. DenNiedergang of parliamentary Democracy in Turkey Alsdeutscher correspondent for a German newspaper does not understand, do not want to research, is simply unprofessional. What's matter with Kurdish question? What want PKK, what does it stand for, what exactly is goal? Diedeutschsprachigen readers must have an objective Berichterstattungbekommen to be able to make a picture of situation. You wollenverstehen why a boy coming from below can become a multimillionaire within dominated decades? Why can DessenSöhne and sons be millionaires? What happened in Türkeigenau?

    That's "just" police custody

    Angela Merkel, for example, has become keineMultimillionärin. You and Erdoğan have begun ir reign Ungefährzur same time. Merkel's family has no construction companies UndAufträge billions of dollars. She would not have idea of DieImmunität left and to imprison her. While Sieseit 2005 in a government coalition with SPD decided to phase out nuclear power, introduced end of conscription and Ehefür all, Turkish ruling party AKP has in about Gleichenzei Dream 105 prisons, with many additional buildings for women UndKinder built and it actually managed to 200,000 people zuinhaftieren. To extend detention to seven years. Internet to censor, to listen to phones. The population istentweder for this policy or against it. Those who are against it sehentäglich that it can meet anyone at any time. Those who are in favour often do not know what is going on. As well, without a free press?

    No idea if an intention behind. Deniz has been on Polizeistationgemeldet on February 14th. From re he was in police custody, n in custody. Could have gone re on 13th or 15th? Did he choose DenValentinstag, who in Turkish means "day of Lovers", extra? Trusted would be him. He's been sitting re ever since. When Mandie people who disappear in prisons compare with figure of a huge stream of water, Anzahlderers that are left out behave like single drops.

    Meşale Tolu, who was not bail day before yesterday but was released from custody, her Ehemannsowie Peter Steudtner, who entlassenwurden about a month before, toger with Deniz are four people who are known in Germany. Many ors are not. You're in ÜbervollenGefängnissen. A Kurdish writer colleague told ir experiences in police custody. Two particularly beliebteMethoden are rain in a cage, where re is only so much place that you have to stay bent in. A andereFoltermethode is to lead stripped woman into a room full of men. All cops, wardens, interrogators, mentally humiliate this by doing physical Merkmaleverspotten, mocking and orwise vulgarly commenting. It's just police custody. What is in Gefängnissenabspielt is hardly to be summed up in words. You would have to invent a new one for many different things you can do with a stick. It's "The New Turkey".

    Date Of Update: 21 December 2017, 12:03