With the bike through ismaning

In the FR ü Spring, the MVG built 14 rental stations in the municipality

With the bike through ismaning

Already in coming year, employees, residents and guests in Ismaning can flexibly travel with rental bike. From spring it is possible to get off S-Bahn in Ismaning and ride rest of way to commercial area, to universities or even to neighbouring village of Garching and to park bike re. The Council has now cleared way for this with a unanimous decision.

A total of 14 stations with rental bicycles of MVG are to be installed in village, among ors at S-Bahn station, in front of town hall, in industrial areas Oskar-Messter-Straße and at Carl-Zeiss-ring as well as at Agrob-area, in front of university, in Street and park. Each station is equipped with five to ten bicycles and has a power connection to enable an extension around electric. Over time, some locations could be expanded to mobility stations, in combination with charging stations for e-cars.

The political groups supported commitment to development of local transport, although CSU and free voter community expressed some abdominal pain as to cost of project. The acquisition of MVG-rental system requires financial commitment. 335 000 Euro plans municipality for financial year 2018 for this, 300 000 euro of which is due to installation of stations, 35 000 euros on operation. Already in current financial year 2017, municipality had set 150 000 euros. The total costs are far higher: to build and equip 14 stations are estimated at 364 000 euros; Of this, confederation carries 70 percent, county takes anor 15 percent. The civil engineering work, which will cost an estimated 10 000 euros per station, takes over respective municipality. The cost of operating bike system-probably approximately 4500 euros per location-is shared by district and municipality for first five years.

All members of municipal council agreed to project. However, after first year, CSU Group spokesman Peter Aurnhammer requested a "meaningful overview" of how individual stations would be adopted.

Date Of Update: 09 October 2017, 12:08