YouTube: Fun So long until one dies

YouTube star Logan Paul posts a video of a suicide victim – and everyone is indignant. But who is to blame? YouTube or the Klickhascherei on the social network?

YouTube: Fun So long until one dies
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    Logan Paul is seldom speechless. But after this discovery, young American fora moment had nothing to say. Toger with friends he was in Japanese Aokigahara on road. The nature reserve is also known as "Suicide Forest", because here above average lot hides life. When friends with colourful hats, pithy slogans and camera roam through forest, y suddenly discover a dead man.

    Instead of shutting down camera at this moment, y continue to film. Logan Paul tells you what you just gesehenhaben. The camera zooms in on deceased, only his face was later pixelated. Paul tries to point out Ernstvon suicide and help and at same time Situationaufzulockern. "I think video will go into YouTube story," he says.

    He should be right. Over six million polls were able to collect video released on New Year's Day in no time before Paul put out his channel again after fierce protests. In meantime, he apologized. "The reactions were unfiltered and we didn't know how to umgehensollten with situation," he said on Tuesday under tears in a video on Twitter. "I should have niemalsveröffentlichen video and I'm sorry for victim and his family."

    Criticism of YouTube

    As so often in past few months, Stehtnun also YouTube in criticism. In November, investigations found out how children's offer YouTube Kids vonteils disturbing videos was infiltrated. In summer, re were Diskussionendarüber, how and why Videosvon hate preachers and extremists are marketed on YouTube. And Anfangdes year YouTube star PewDiePie with anti-Semitic statements. In all cases, it went to a question: does YouTube need to moderate its content – and can dasüberhaupt afford it in face of about 600,000 hours of material hochgeladenwird daily?

    So sorry.

    — Logan Paul (@LoganPaul) January 2, 2018

    The Google subsidiary had declared in December that y want to invest more in human resources, infrastructure and KünstlicheIntelligenz to identify inappropriate content in future. In EinerStellungnahme, a spokesman said video of Logan Paul had violated guidelines. Videos with drastic content should only stay online if Siedokumentarische or visual information is included. That was not case here.

    One employee apparently saw it differently. WieBuzzfeed reported that Clipschon had been reported shortly after publication. This means that moderator must have checked it manually. In this case, Moderatorentschieden has to keep it online even without age restriction. Möglicherweiseauch because Paul has a gewisseNarrenfreiheit with more than 15 million subscribers. Der22-year-old had been excluded from marketing by advertising.

    The weaknesses of moderation

    The case shows how hard it is fürPlattformen like YouTube to implement its own, teilsbewusstly formulated guidelines. On one hand WillYouTube offer a wide range of services that can be used by all Menschensofort. A preliminary review of each new video Wärenicht only barely to press staff, but would also damage immediacy of offer. Hardly any user wants to daraufwarten hours or even days until a video is unlocked. Moreover, risk of censorship would be great because moderation is not transparent.

    On or hand, EinzelneMitarbeiter have to decide at ir own discretion wher a notified Clipgegen violates directives. Which in some cases is simple (etwaPornos), is difficult in or cases. The video of Logan Paul Verstößtgegen The usual practice in suicide reporting, even if esdie identity of dead is not revealed and spectators at beginning warns of contents notched help points. The question of wher a person's suicide is being staged is ultimately a moral one.

    Date Of Update: 04 January 2018, 12:03