Eichstätt: Diocese loses millions of dollars due to real estate speculation

The prosecutor is investigating an ex-employee of the Diocese of Eichstätt. He should have invested in 34; most questionable way 34; 60 million US dollars.

Eichstätt: Diocese loses millions of dollars due to real estate speculation

In Diocese of Eichstätt, an ex-employee of financial chamber, toger with an accomplice, is supposed to have caused a loss of up to 60 million USD (48.2 million euros) in US market through real estate speculation. As diocese announced on Monday, a criminal complaint was already filed in July 2017 against both persons. The accusation is based on infidelity, bribery and corruption in commercial transactions.

The money was created in a "highly questionable way", explained diocese spokesman Martin Swientek. "In order to induce unreserved reconnaissance and criminal proceedings", main prosecutor's office in Munich II has been activated. The suspects are in custody.

Swientek did not provide furr information on accused persons. The information provided by Danube Courier newspaper is intended to be former deputy finance director and a business partner in USA. In September 2016, finance director unexpectedly vacated his position after only a good two years. The amount of investment is approximately one-sixth of diocese's financial assets after research by a research association from Sourn Zeitung, WDR and NDR. On request, bishopric spokesman had neir confirmed nor denied this statement.

Chief financial officer has been "technically overwhelmed"

According to media reports, loans for construction projects in United States are to be granted in more than 30 cases, without, for example, a basic debt. The diocese indicated in criminal complaint that its own chief financial officer had been technically overwhelmed by his task in period in question. It was a clergyman "without profound economic knowledge". The competent supervisory board, diocesan Vermögensverwaltungsrat, was also overwhelmed or uninitiated, writes Süddeutsche Zeitung. In meantime, this council has been newly occupied.

The irregularity in books of diocese was noticed by external experts in course of a transparency offensive initiated by Eichstätt Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke 2015. The sense and necessity of this transparency offensive had now been confirmed "in a deplorable way", said diocese's spokesman. Until June 2018, diocese intends to submit an annual accounts according to rules of Commercial Code and to disclose diocese's assets for first time. Nothing has changed on this schedule, explained speaker.

The first suspicions were given in May 2017. At that time, a loan due for first time had not been paid back. Two months later, Bishop commissioned a Munich law firm with advertisement. A furr press conference was scheduled for Tuesday with general vicar Isidore Vollnhals and Munich lawyer Ulrich Wastl.

Date Of Update: 06 February 2018, 12:03