Frauke Petry: Federal election leader confirms founding of a blue party

Will this be the political home of Frauke Petry? For weeks, a blue party has been speculated. It should have been established before the Bundestag election.

Frauke Petry: Federal election leader confirms founding of a blue party

Does Frauke Petry change from AfD to Blue party? As a spokesman disbanded, two days after DerBundestagswahl, an application for creation of a party with this name was received. Information about applicant's spokesman did not, however, report image and MDR that Petrys adviser Michael pattern request to federal election manager Angemeldethatte. Neir Petry nor trusted of her wanted to take a position on it.

According to representative of federal executive, application was declared as founding date of BlauenPartei of 17 September 2017. At present, papers that came in on 26 September would be examined, he said. Formally, order is taken into collection of documents of federal executive.

In an interview at beginning of October with Welt on Sunday, Petry confirmed that he wanted to establish a new party. "It's about a political project on time," said 42-year-old. The new party should stand for a real policy course with a market economy orientation. In Bundestag, she also wants to form a group in future. Petry did not want to betray name of new party at that time.

Petry won a direct mandate in electoral district of Saxon Switzerland-Osterzgebirge in Bundestag election. After 34-year-old AfD group Verließund n also withdrew from party on day after Bundestag election, conjectured media about DieGründung a new party. According to reports, Petry DieInternetadresse has already registered in August. Petry Hattejedoch himself declared that new party would wear such a Namennicht.

Date Of Update: 12 October 2017, 12:06