Merkel goes to critics-a bit

Merkel goes to critics-a bit

The size of rift between CDU and CSU is still evident in arrival of Chancellor to hall. Angela Merkel has come to Dresden for German Youth Union. In election campaign Merkel still shunned city-too big was fear that in city of Pegida-parades could provide angry demonstrators for inappropriate images.

This Saturday, however, only a few Merkel opponents come to Congress centre where Ju meets-and police compliment even se few still on or side of street. Only one of m manages to get close to chancellor. "Shame for Germany, step back," shouts man. That was also case with protests in front of hall. But Bavarian young Union is still waiting for Merkel inside.

The delegates from Free state already show what y think of it when Chancellor enters country. They are not only conspicuously seated, y deny Merkel-unlike ir colleagues from or national associations-also demonstratively ir applause. And y are holding posters to CDU chairman. "Limit immigration!" and "content and personnel new beginning now!" is on signs.

The CDU and CSU are unfamiliar In EU's most important country, formation of government remains silent, because two parties have yet to find mselves. Germany is now paying price for hypocrisy of Union's election campaign. Comment by Robert Roßmann more...

The young Union is united-like Union Bundestag group in Bundestag-CDU and CSU. In it, refore, faults between sister parties are immediately apparent. And so visit of Merkel in Dresden is also a test run for summit of party Granden of CDU and CSU this Sunday. Will Merkel succeed in overcoming trenches? Trenches that exist within CDU as well.

After last Bundestag election, party Congress had not yet been asked

The chancellor is at least trying to do this Saturday. Right at start of her appearance, she goes to her party-internal critics. It announces that a possible coalition agreement may also be decided by a federal party congress. This is to take care of critics that chancellor could make too much concessions in forthcoming talks with Greens and FDP.

After last Bundestag election, party Congress had not yet been asked. At that time, only a non-well-known CDU panel, Federal Committee, was allowed to vote on Coalition treaty. The Committee is significantly smaller than a party congress and much easier to control by Chancellor. In spite of enormous displeasure of SPD's successes in coalition negotiations, 2013 of 167 present Committee members voted 165 to controversial work.

Date Of Update: 08 October 2017, 12:12