T ü Turkey and Iran threaten the Kurds

T ü Turkey and Iran threaten the Kurds

Turkey and Iran are increasing pressure on regional government of President Massoud Barzani in Erbil after independence referendum in Iraqi Kurdish territories. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Tuesday that only a few embargoes have been imposed on autonomous region of norrn Iraq. "But if y do not come to mind, this will be continually intensified," he threatened in a speech.

Meanwhile, regional government announced its presidential and parliamentary elections for November 1. This was part of an agreement of most Kurdish parties on referendum. Barzani must not re-enter. Thus, elections could possibly contribute to a relaxation with Baghdad and neighbours.

From Erdoğan's visit to Iran important decisions are expected

Erdoğan travels on this Wednesday to a state visit to Tehran, where he is to meet with President Hassan Rohani also Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The visit is expected to make wise decisions for response of two countries, which, like Iraqi central government in Baghdad, have decidedly rejected referendum. The two states have long pursued conflicting interests in Syria, but are now approaching Kurdish question again; Both have large Kurdish minorities in country. Rohani had already visited Ankara in April.

On Monday, Iran began a three-day manoeuvre on border with Kurdish regions. The Revolutionary Guards, toger with Shiite militias from Iraq, were so-called People's Mobilization units, many of which are supported and controlled by Iran. Two important transitions, Parviz Khan and Baschmakh, were temporarily closed for freight traffic. Previously, Turkish army had already held a joint exercise with units of Iraqi military in border area. Dozens of tanks remained in region after that.

The Kurds depend on imports from neighbouring countries

The central government in Baghdad under prime Haidar al-Abadi requires Kurds to give control of external borders, which until now is incumbent on peshmerga. It is conceivable that Iraqi units are trying to take control of border crossings from Iran or Turkey, or to establish checkpoints in Turkish and Iranian territories.

If Kurds were to resist, Ankara and Tehran could close borders. The Kurds would have most drastic consequences. They depend on imports from neighbouring countries, including ir food supply. About 70 percent of imports come from Turkey, 30 percent from Iran.

Already on Friday, Baghdad had closed airspace for international connections to airports in Erbil and Sulaimaniya. The exception is military flights and those of aid agencies and diplomats. The two airports have only operated domestic flights since n; Foreigners stranded in region can, however, leave without paying a penalty or acquiring an exit visa Iraq via international airport in Baghdad, Interior Ministry shared.

Baghdad tries to isolate Kurdish territories after Kurds have refused to relinquish control of external borders to central government, Baghdad is blocking airspace for boarding Ionale connections. By Paul-Anton Krüger, Cairo more...
Date Of Update: 04 October 2017, 12:07