UN aid for Palestinian refugees: eleven countries withdraw payments for Palestinians after US cuts

First, the US president accused the Palestinians of lack of respect, then cut the payments to the UN refugee aid for them. Several countries are now jumping in.

UN aid for Palestinian refugees: eleven countries withdraw payments for Palestinians after US cuts

After denBeitragskürzungen United States for UN's Fürpalästinensische refugees (UNRWA), eleven states, DarunterDeutschland, IhreBeiträge to deposit earlier. In addition to Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Nerlands, Ireland, Russia and Kuwait would have agreed to fill in missing contributions, said UNRWA chief PierreKrähenbühl.

DasUNRWA helps about five million Palestinian refugees and descendants. Last year, Vonmehr had a budget of one billion dollars. Damitsowohl are financed by long-term programmes, including education, as auchNothilfen in crises such as civil war in Syria.

The United States has been most important donor undsteuerten a third of total budget. The US government hataber half of first Zahlungzurückgehalten planned for this year and future support from Reformenabhängig.

Trump defendant "Neir recognition nor respect" of Palestinians

At beginning of year, US President Donald Trump had tweeted, USA paid "hundreds of millions of dollars" to Palestinians and received "neir recognition nor respect". The Palestinians did not even want to negotiate a peace treaty with Israel. "But if Palestinians are no longer willing to talk about peace, why should we make any of se massive payments to m in future?"

Since Trump had acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel's capital in name of United States, re have been numerous protests by Palestinians. When vice president Mike Pence visited Middle East, Palestinians denied President Mahmoud Abbas a meeting. In wake of crisis, Palestinians temporarily withdrew ir envoys in United States, declaring that y would no longer accept US as intermediaries in any peace negotiations with Israel. The UN General Assembly declared Trump's decision in a resolution for "null and void".

By now or donors prefer to IhreBeiträge, one can bridge first months, said Crown Buhl. But missing millions would have to come from or sources in course year. UNRWA asked for 800 million dollars (about 650Millionen euros) for urgent operations in Syria and DenPalästinensergebieten.

Date Of Update: 31 January 2018, 12:02